
Wednesday, June 3, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Autism. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Autism paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Autism, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Autism paper at affordable prices!

Autism is a developmental disability that appears during the first three years of life.It is a direct result of a neurological disorder that affects the functioning of the brain. This paper will further discuss the relevance of the disease, the symptoms of the disease, the traits of an Autistic person and the different treatments and cures available.

Today, Autism affects four hundred thousand people.It is the third most common developmental disability.Autistic behaviors occur in about fifteen out of every ten thousand individuals. Autism is two times more common than Down Syndrome and six times more common than Childhood Cancer.It is four times more prevalent to occur in boys than in girls.

The severity of Autism varies widely from one individual to the next.Therefore, the ability to detect an individual who is Autistic is easier in some cases than others.The common visual differences in an individual with Autism are

a.Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors.Some of these behaviors areeye to eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction.

Cheap University Papers on Autism

b.Failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to their developmental level.

c.A lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people

d.Lack of social or emotional interchange.

e.Impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others.

Along with the severity of Autism, the symptoms of the disease also vary.Often Autism is referred to as the Spectrum Disorder because of the wide range of symptoms.Autism affects verbal communication, nonverbal communication and social interaction.

In order for an Autistic person to speak, it takes a lot of time and effort.It is difficult because it is hard for them to remember speech vocabulary.Autistic individuals have trouble pronouncing words.Some Autistic individuals may be mute or they may occasionally lose the ability to speak.Many need to pause and need extra time to process verbal comments or to formulate responses.It is not uncommon for an Autistic person to repeat phrases that have been heard.Oftentimes Autistic people do not speak and are perceived as being shy and distant.Autistic people will avoid talking to dodge embarrassment.Frequent body language also makes an Autistic person seem further distant.

Hearing, as well as speech is affected by Autism.Sound for an Autistic person is more pronounced.So noises that are normal for us, may hurt or damage an Autistic person's ears.It is also difficult for some individuals to produce sound.You may have to repeat and speak slower to an Autistic person.

Another affect of Autism is vision impairment.It is very difficult for an Autistic person to recognize faces.The process of recognition is very challenging and frustrating.It takes long periods of time.Bright light may also hurt the eyes of an Autistic person by creating flickering or vibrating frequencies in the head.

Autistic people also have unusual sensory experiences.They range from being overly sensitive, less sensitive than normal or they may have difficulty interrupting a sense.Some are insensitive to pain and may fail to notice an injury as well.

Other physical conditions of an Autistic person may berocking back and forth, humming or talking to themselves, spinning in constant circles, covering their eyes with their hands, and intense daydreaming resulting in frequent talking and giggling.An estimated 5% also suffer from epileptic seizures of various kinds.

An Autistic person tends to dislike and even be uninterested in change.Autistic individuals become attached to objects or routines.If forced to abandon this object or routine, they become very upset.If an event seems too traumatic to an Autistic person, they will "shut down."Shut down is caused by an event which has either too much physical or emotional stimulation.Before a "shut down" occurs, an Autistic person may have trouble concentrating, be tired, confused, or have some physical pain.These conditions will lead to tantrums and emotional outbursts.

Another trait of an Autistic individual is having intense interests.Many of these interests could be perceived as obsessive.The interests could be as mainstream as a sport or as odd as memorizing train schedules.

Experts are not certain of the cause or prevention for Autism. Some medications are prescribed to alleviate specific symptoms of the disease.Some of these symptoms areaggression, seizures, hyperactivity, obsessive compulsive behaviors, and anxiety.Many Autistic individuals also take speech therapy and sign language to increase their ability to communicate.They may be involved in behavioral techniques to help them deal with sudden physical and emotional out bursts.Although Autism has no cure, treatment can positively affect and reduce symptoms of the disability.

The cause of Autism remains unknown.The disease develops before the age of three and has a wide variety of symptoms.Although many treatments are available, there is no cure. Last year the Autism foundations received $1 million dollars for medical research. I hope that the medical research for Autism continues and a cure is soon discovered.


1.Braxton County Schools

.Autism Society of America


.Webster Collegiate Dictionary

Please note that this sample paper on Autism is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Autism, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Autism will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Geography beach plant essay

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Geography beach plant essay. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Geography beach plant essay paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Geography beach plant essay, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Geography beach plant essay paper at affordable prices!


Gazania is a plant which grows along the ground. The leaves are green on the upper side and have a whitishfelt on the underside. Flowers on the gazania are yellow orange and are 5-8 cm in diameter. The fruits on the Gazania are hairy and have a series of scales at the top. This plant flowers in summer and is found in many gardens as well as on the dunes.

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Gazania plants grow low to the ground which helps it to be protected against strong winds. The leaves grow rather small so that there is a smaller surface area for the sun to extract moisture from and the leaves also have a white underside to protect them from the salt and also to help stop large amounts of evaporation.


Euphorbia is a native plant to the dune area. The plant inside has a milky latex which can be seen when broken. These plants have a fascinating and unique floral structure as the tiny looking flowers are actually a group of even smaller flowers. The flowers are surrounded by four, white bordered petal structures which are attached to a green cup. It grows to a height of one metre and has 15mm leaves which are dense and oblong. The leaves often have a red tinge and near the top of the stems become more circular.

Coastal Rosemary

Coastal Rosemary is a native dark green shrub. It grows to the height of two metres tall. The leaves are straight and are arranged in a whorls of four, they are 5mm long and have a grey underside. The flowers on the shrub are a white to mauve colour and grow to about 15mm long. Coastal Rosemary is often found on cliffs although it is common all throughout the sea area, it flowers almost all year round.

The shrub is able to survive because it's branches are flexible and the upper leaves are able to shelter the base of the plant to give the roots shaded and not give off too much moisture. The leaves are designed small so that each leaf has a small surface area and have only a low evaporation rate. Although the coastal rosemary is not low lying, it has a large root system which holds it firmly into the sand as well as holding the sand together in to form sand dunes.

Port Noarlunga - Coastal Protection

At Port Noarlunga there are many plants growing in the sand dunes which protect the sand dunes from being washed away or blown away by the wind. Some of the beach plants are marram, sea rocket, Spinifex, pigface, euphorbia, coastal rosemary, gazania and roots. These plants are all fore dune plants and hey are mostly all small and low lying. Fore dune plants are able to survive living on the beach because they are succulent, they extrude the salt and they grow on runners. As the fore dune plants are able to survive these conditions they make it easier for more delicate and less adaptable plants to grow on the primary and secondary dunes because they provide shelter and humus for these plants.

Coastal protection is making it easier for the fore dune plants to grow and also protecting the sand dunes by bringing in laws and rules, building special structures and general coastal protection for example, cleanups and education services.

Some of the structures built are -

Carparks- to direct people into one area going down to the beach. Near the car park is most likely a board walk or trail for people to walk down to the beach on instead of walking over the sand dunes.

Board walks - The board walks are put in throughout the beach to encourage people to walk on them instead of on the sand dunes. These are placed consistently along the beach so people do no thave to walk too far and decide to walk down to the beach over the sand dunes because a board walk is too far away.

Fences - Fences are put up around the sand dunes to stop people walking over them. This gives the sand dunes a real chance to develop fore dune plants on them.

Signs are placed over the beach, with restrictions and laws on them. If people disobey these laws, large fines are needed to be paid or sometimes the person can go to jail. Other signs are informing that coastal protection is being used in the Port Noarlunga area and to be considerate of the wildlife.

Witton Bluff - Rip Rap

The cliff at Witton Bluffhad been undergoing a lot of erosion and now a protection scheme has been built to help prevent the cliff from eroding. Coastal protection is used to stop cliffs from eroding, a few different methods have been experimented with, but the protection used at Witton Bluffcalled 'Rip Rap' is the best method.

Irregular shaped rocks are placed in front of the cliff to absorb the waves energy and slow the wave. Under the rocks is a wire mesh and under that is a mixture of sand and gravel, these all act as filters to slow the wave and return it slowly to the beach and ea. The reason why this method is used is because the method of using large rocks is very unsightly which is the same with concrete walls, but the concrete walls also destroy the beach because the reflected waves remove the sand. Rip Rap causes the cliff base to still look natural as the rocks are placed in an effective way as well as stopping the cliff from eroding and protecting the beach at the same time.

The cliff at Witton Bluffis now more likely to erode from wind erosion not wave erosion.

Please note that this sample paper on Geography beach plant essay is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Geography beach plant essay, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paperson Geography beach plant essay will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, May 28, 2020


If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Othello. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Othello paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Othello, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Othello paper at affordable prices!

Act IV Scene II lines 1-171

In this section of the play Othello questions Emilia about what she knows of Desdemona's involvement with Cassio. Though when asked by Othello "You have seen nothing then?" (1) And she responds with "nor ever heard, nor ever did suspect" () Othello completely discounts Emilia's story. This shows a lot about Othello's characteran accomplished, experienced man of the world in his own estimation and in the eyes of the Venetian society. While he is confident on the field, where he has spent most his life, he is unsure of himself in civil society and in dealing with matters of love. It is this weakness of Othello that Iago exploits to manipulate him and ultimately lead him down the path of self-destruction. It also shows us a lot about Emilia, who is married to evil but sides with Desdemona as her lady.

Also, conflict finally erupts between Desdemona and Othello as he accuses her of dishonesty. This is the first time in the play that Othello has brought up his qualms with the source of his anger. Othello uses callous expressions such as 'whore' (7) 'public commoner' (7) and 'impudent strumpet' (81) to describe his wife Desdemona who is guiltless of infidelity to her husband. No matter what Desdemona says or does this beautiful, innocuous and strong woman cannot prove her innocence or understand why Othello is behaving in such a way.

Towards the end of this section, Iago, a self-professed Villain who's sole motive is hatred towards his superior, provides a distraught Desdemona with reassurance telling her "Fie, there is no such man! It is impossible." (14). Before piecing it together, Iagos wife Emilia, consoles Desdemona

Help with essay on Othello

I will be hangd if some eternal villain,

Some busy and insinuating rogue,

Some cogging, cozening slave, to get some office,

Have not devisd this slander.


This scene is full of examples of dramatic Irony. Othello who did not ask for it received advice from Iago; the villain, who leads him to believe Desdemona, is a shameful adulteress. Desdemona who asks for Iagos advice is told nothing is wrong with her husband and that all will be well.

In Othello's speech (lines 48-64) Shakespeare uses imagery, metaphoric language, syntax and diction to express the way Othello feels about his wife. This passage foreshadows tragedy, as it illustrates that Othello no longer trusts his wife.In the lines leading up to this Othello is portrayed as obdurate and ignorant while Desdemona is made to appear naive and asinine. It also demonstrates the lack of communication between Othello and Desdemona, as she asks many questions "To whom, my lord, with whom? How am I false?" (41) Whilst Othello's elusive responses evade any explanation to Desdemona, which is wearisome to the audience.From this passage it is evident that Iagos plan will be a success.

Imagery is used through the use of heaven and God to represent good and true and hell to represent evil and falseness. An example is given In line 40 "Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell" the terms heaven and hell are commonly used throughout this section, examples are "had it pleased heaven to try me with such affliction" (48) and "there look as grim as hell" (64)

Metaphors and Imagery are also used in the passages "A fixed figure for the time of scorn to point his slow unmoving finger at." (54-55) Spoken by Othello which shows he feels he is always the contempt of the world, and when he discusses his feelings for his wife "The fountain from which my current runs or else dries up - to be discarded thence" (5-60) this Imparts to Desdemona that that she has dried up Othello's soul.

I believe this section is very significant in the play as it is the first time that Othello actively seeks proof himself. When he discovers none and still believes his is accurate in his allegations we learn allot more about each of the characters. It is also the first point in the play where the pieces begin to be put together and make for a dramatic lead up to the final climax, which heightens the audience's involvement and attention. However this extract is somewhat frustrating, as we, the audience, know that Desdemona is blameless of the accusations made by Othello and yet she is unable to prove it because of Othello's hazy explanations. I believe this frustration adds to the tragic impact of the play because we know Desdemona is innocent and would be able to prove herself if given the chance and yet Othello completely dismisses anything she has to say. This passage displays the true person behind the character, Desdemona's Charm and virtuousness, makes her death seem even more unfortunate and Iago's lying emphasis his immorality making him appear even more evil. Othello appears egocentric, thick and vindictive as he rattles of lines such as

"I cry you mercy then.

I took you for that cunning whore of Venice

That married with OthelloYou, Mistress,

That have the office opposite to Saint Peter

And keep the gate of hell!"


Whilst this is the first time in the play that Emilia's true strength shines through and that she begins to understand what her husband has done "The Moor's abused by some most villainous knave, Some base Notorious knave, some scurvy fellow." (1-140).

This significant extract is compelling and informative and is an interesting and captivating part of the play that reveals allot of information. For these reasons I believe it has a very significant impact on the outcome of the play.

Please note that this sample paper on Othello is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Othello, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Othello will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Perfect World

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Perfect World. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Perfect World paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Perfect World, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Perfect World paper at affordable prices!

People have always fantasized about having perfect worlds.Some

people want riches, others want peace.It seems that people are never

capable of agreeing on what the perfect world should include.The

realization ofmost perfect worlds is impossible because ofthe fact

Buy cheap The Perfect World term paper

that people cant agree.Therefore the perfect world would be one in

which everyone agreed all the time.In a world where everyone agreed ,

argument and conflict would be eliminated.The world would become a lot

less diverse, and a lot more simple. In the perfect world, people would do

common activities and share common interests.Everyone would hack, fly

and ride.

One common interest that people would share would be computers.

Everyone would own a computer, a good computer (preferably not a Mac).

Computers would be fast, faster than any computers in existence today.

There would be a minimum on the amount of memory that a computer would be

required to have.Twenty Gigabytes of hard drive space and 100 Megabytes

of Random Access Memory (RAM) ,would be considered a small family computer.

In addition to being faster than todays computers and having more memory,

computers in the perfect world also have many more capabilities.There

would be almost no limits to what a computer would be able to do.In

general, computers in a perfect world be a lot better than computers of

today, and the amount of people who would use computers would be much


The shared interest of all people in computers would allow for a

much more technological world.With the demand for technology, created by

extensive use of computers, the world of computers would expand rapidly.

The Internet would explode with popularity; everyone would write homepages

and visiting other peoples pages would be a leisure activity.Personal

mail would all be sent electronically.The need for a postal service for

personal mail and quite possibly business mail as well, would be eliminated.

Many interactive programs would be available; peoples interaction would

be limited only by their imaginations.The changes in technology, due to

more interest in computers would make life easier for all.

Life being easier, people would have more free time for leisure

activities such as flying.A common interest in flying would be present

in the perfect world.Most people would be pilots.There would be a lot

of flying clubs and social flying would be enjoyed by all those who could.

Those who could not fly and those who would not have their licenses would

at least express interests in flying.There would be no need for

commercial airlines to transport people over long distances, since most

people would fly their own planes.Those people without pilots licenses

would have to get rides with friends or neighbors or resort to driving."

Plane pooling" would be encouraged. In the perfect world,the increased

use of airplanes would mold transportation and recreation into one.

The shared interest of all people in flying would lead to

advancement in that activity.Planes would be developed that would fly

faster and further and would use less fuel.New styles and models of

planes would be developed.Envelopes (the structural limits of planes)

would be enlarged and new planes would be capable of maintaining flight in

abnormal attitudes.Planes would be capable of pulling more positive gs

and pushing more negative gs.The cost of planes would come down with

the higher demand for them.The advancement in aviation in the perfect

world simply reflect the demand for the activity of flying.

As pilots, people in the perfect world would have to ride

motorcycles or at least drive fast cars.This would be necessary in order

to maintain the "pilot jock" image that is present in the world today.

Pilots would be required to own and maintain a sports car and/or

motorcycle.The reason that a pilot would need a vehicle as a means of

transportation would be for the little trips, the trips around the block or

across the city, the kind of trips too short to fly.An interest in

flying would therefore create an interest in cars and motorcycles.

Motorcycles would be the vehicles of choice.Cars would be used

mainly during the winter on rainy days; or cold days, when riding a

motorcycle would be uncomfortable.The motorcycles that people would ride

wouldnt be "Harley" type motorcycles, but rather the really fast racing

type. The "need for speed", would be felt by all and posted speed limits

would be 150 km/h (a limit that would still be ignored).In the perfect

world, transportation would always be fast.

Common interests, shared in the perfect world, would be beneficial

to all.New horizons would be reached in areas of interest. Advanced

technology in computers would make for a much more technological world.

Without people disagreeing and arguing all the time, life would be much

easier.With everyone participating in the same activities, a strong

feeling of unity would be created.People would have common links joining

them together and therefore a stronger society would be established.

There would be no controversy or objection to progress.The aviation

world would expand and with it the industry for sports cars and

motorcycles.A world in which everyone agreed would be perfect and would

allow for technological progress, societal stability and easy lifestyles.

Please note that this sample paper on The Perfect World is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Perfect World, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson The Perfect World will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads)

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads). What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads) paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads), therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads) paper at affordable prices!



Anura, meaning no tail, are reptilelike amphibians. All frogs and toads are included in this order.

Frogs and toads have four legs, the back legs being longer than the front legs. They lay eggs in water or in moist terrestrial sites. The eggs hatch into larvae (tadpoles) that live in the water untilthey metamorphose into adults. Male anurans can vocalize, calling or chorusing to attract fe-males during the breeding season or to establish territories. Adult anurans are carnivorous,feeding on insects and other invertebrates. The largest individuals will eat almost anything they can fit in their mouths, including birds, mice, snakes, and other amphibians.

Help with essay on Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads)



Many families are included in the Anura order. To name a few

The Family bufonidae. True Toads have thick knobby skin, large parotoid glands, that is, glands that secreed poison, on the head behind the eyes, and short legs that propel themin short hops. Toads cannot cause warts, but their skin glands secrete a substance that mayirritate the mouth, nose, and eyes.Toads are represented by one genus and four species in Georgia.

The Family hylidae. Members of this family have different habitat preferences and vary in size and body shape. Treefrogs are long-legged and arboreal. Cricket Frogs and Chorus Frogs areterrestrial and have relatively short legs.

The Family microhylidae. Narrowmouth Toads are small, stocky, burrowing toads charac- terized by a fold of skin behind their head and very pointed snouts. Two genera and three speciesoccur in the United States, but only one species is found in Georgia.

The Family pelobatidae. Spadefoot Toads are characterized by short legs, relatively smooth skin, and vertically elliptical pupils. Members of this family are terrestrial burrowers. Their back feet havespecial, spade-shaped tubercles used to dig into loose soil. They are nocturnal, and are rarely seenabove ground except on very humid or rainy nights.

The Family ranidae. These primarily aquatic frogs have smooth skin and webbed back feet.Their long back legs propel them in long leaps. Members of this family are usually found along the edges of lakes, rivers, swamps, and streams. One genus and nine species live in Georgia.

What is the difference between a frog and a toad?

Frogs are usually more water-dependant than toads, and have soft, moisty skin. Toads have a rougher, scaly skin with bumps, and live in dry land, some of them even in burrows.


(IMAGE -1, -)


Anura have loosely fitting skins, no tails when adult, bony pectoral girdles, and usually no ribs. Fertilization is always external, and no species remains larval for life. The anatomy is specialized for jumping the vertabral column is short, with extensively fused vertebrae, the main bones of the limbs are fused, and the hind limbs are much longer than the forelimbs. Frogs and toads breatheby moving the floor of the mouth, first drawing air into the mouth and then forcing it into the lungsafter closing the nostrils.

Each different species of Anura has different sets of feet adapted to their needs webbed feet forswimming, sticky feet for climbing, etc.



As you can see in the image above, Anura have digestive and skeletal systems oddly similar to that of humans, in despite of the fact that they wouldnt look alike on the outside.


All Anura are, without exception, carnivores during all stages of their lives. During their tadpole stage, Anura feed on zooplankton and other forms of protozoa. Adult anura are mostly insectivore, althoughsome of the largest Anura can eat small fish and even other amphibians.

Most Anura need water to reproduce, since fertilization takes place externally. Just as the female is laying the eggs, the male must get behind it, and, without actually inserting any bodily appendages into the female, eyaculate over the eggs just as they are being laid. The eggs will eventually hatch into tadpoles.



However, some frogs, like the Fitzingers Robber Frog ( Eleutherodactylus fitzingeri ) actually lay their eggson land, and the hatchlings are already born as small frogs, without passing through tadpole stage.




Anurals are used as important indicators, not only because of the enourmus quantities of moist that are neededfor ANY specimen of this order to survive, but also, because of the fact that the smallest variation of ecologicalconditions would force one particular species to change habitat, to be supplanted by a different kind of Anural.They are also very important in the control of insect population in moist places, especially fly and mosquito. Although most of the poisonous Anura only release their toxin when their skin is bitten or somehow cut, somecan release it merely by being touched. The Golden Arrow Poisonous Frog, native of the Amazon, can kill an adult human seconds after it was touched by him.




Please note that this sample paper on Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads) is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads), we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Research on ANURA (Class: amphibian; frogs and toads) will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The perfect place

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on the perfect place. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality the perfect place paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in the perfect place, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your the perfect place paper at affordable prices!

The road we take to get there makes my stomach turn inside out, the feeling you get while riding a roller coaster or when you finally reach the height on a swing when your stomach flip-flops.This always made me giggle wildly as a child.I also remember staring in amazement out the back seat window at the multiple fields of color that expanded upon the horizon and stretched out as far as I could see.Each and every leaf that fell from the foliage was uniquely intricate and their freshly raked piles were mountainous.Autumn was definitely my favorite time of the year-it was extraordinarily beautiful.

It was only approximately forty-five minutes away from my house, so we went to the mountains to spend a weekend at our cabin near Ohio Pyle several times throughout the year.It became more and more breathtaking each time we visited.The lake was beautifully decorated with lily pads, cattails, and tall irises. When the fish would surface, they generated calm waves that rippled throughout the entire pond.Rainbow trout were my favorite to catch.A tiny dock, missing a wooden plank, jutted out from the hillside into the water.Every time my brother and I went fishing, my petite boot got stuck where the missing board should be.He and his friend would have to carry me out, one leg on each shoulder, and take me back inside to change my socks.

Once the fish were caught, however, my stepfather would gut them and my mother grilled them to perfection.Dessert consisted of graham crackers, marshmallows, and Hershey's chocolate bars, formally known as s'mores, cooked ever so slightly into the bright blue flame of the fire.Sometimes we made Mountain Pies which are filled with sauce, cheese, and pepperoni or with apple pie filling and are in betweenslices of bread.They too were heated over the fire inside an iron griddle.Everyone sat on logs around the fire to eat and tell ghost stories.My uncle's stories were always the best because he used sound effects, and he had my other relatives make noises and move objects.These "special effects" were amazing to us back then.

During the afternoon, we always went for walks in the woods and looked for deer and other animal tracks.Sometimes we even found black bear tracks!I admired my brother for his vast knowledge of the outdoors.He taught us that the first task of the adventure was to find the perfect walking stick to aid us in our excursion of the familiar woods.

Write my Essay on the perfect place for me

A tall wooden hanging rack stood in the front yard and I can remember the smell of the wounded deer lingering in the mountain air.It was a hunting camp after all, and I always looked forward to eating the fresh deer jerky once it came back from the butcher.

The winter was especially enjoyable.The hills are gigantic and fast to sled-ride down.We always had races and held our very own "Winter Olympics."My cousins and I made the gold, silver, and bronze medals out of poster-board, markers, and twine.Boxes of various sizes were used as the winner platforms.We participated in unique events such as sled-riding, ice-fishing, and snow-man building.We all sat adjacent to the fireplace inside and sipped on hot chocolate with miniature marshmallows.

Although this place was beautiful, it did take a lot of hard work.My brother, stepfather, and uncles would chop and split the wood that we used for the fireplace.My cousins and I would carry the wood onto the screened-in porch while our mothers cleaned and cooked dinner.Our main heating source was the fireplace, and therefore required nightly attendance.The adults took turns to check the fire and keep it going throughout the night.We also performed a great deal of work outside as well.We mowed the lawn, raked the leaves, painted the porch every now and then, and cleared the moss out from in between the bricks on the patio.

I absolutely loved this place.It gave me a chance to get in touch with the wonders of the natural world.The experience of life without television, cellular phones, and computers was very beneficial.It definitely renewed me by letting me experience the world through a different format.It allowed me to appreciate nature and everything in it.

I spent a significant amount of time here and in a way it helped me grow up.As an only child growing up near farmland and there were not too many children my age to play with.This gave my cousins and me an excellent opportunity to grow and bond together. Since our family does not get to spend as much time together now that we are all in college and primarily control own lives, its regular visits allow us to reunite as a family and talk about what is happening in each of our lives.I am a strong believer in the closeness of a family and this certainly gave us a chance to be that way.The time we spent together there is priceless and is something I will never forget.The memories we have made will be cherished for a lifetime.

I have an extensive amount of memories from that cabin, and I do not know how I would have turned out without interacting with such a place.Spending time in the mountains has taught me things my parents could not have educated me about.It let me become "one with nature" and let go of the technological world we live in today.

This cabin was in such a serene and safe place.It felt as though nothing could harm us during our stay there.My family has spent many weekends here over the years and we continue to return.It is the attraction to the place and the memories or relationships we associate with it.Each visit conjures up something new, un-experienced, and breathtaking.

Please note that this sample paper on the perfect place is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on the perfect place, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on the perfect place will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Itaipu dam

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The Itaipu hydroelectric power plant is located on the Parana River and strands the countries of Brazil and Paraguay. Aside from numerous problems due to its size and capacity, Itaipu represents an interesting political and environmental case. The political dimension of the dam is mainly due to the dual ownership of the Parana River and the economic might of Brazil compared to Paraguay.

Cheap custom writing service can write essays on itaipu dam


The theory behind hydro - electricity is to build a dam on a large river that has a significant drop in height. The dam stores lots of water behind it in the upper reservoir. Near the bottom of the dam wall there is the water intake, called a penstock. Gravity causes the water to fall through the penstock inside the dam. At the end of the penstock there is a turbine propeller, which is turned by the moving water. The shaft from the turbine goes up into the generator, which produces the power. Power lines are connected to the generators that carry electricity to areas near by.


Water is extremely important to the surrounding landscape of the Itaipu dam. From being used, as a source of food, to keeping the vegetation alive through photosynthesis it is a big essential. The water within the dam also provides a stable habitat to numerous species of fish and other marine animals. If there was no water in this particular area the flora and fauna would just be a figure in peoples' imaginations.


The water used in the Itapiu hydroelectricity dam comes from the Parana River. Although the river is quite big it does not have enough water to supply Itaipu constantly. To combat this problem the water used to produce the electricity is recycled. This is achieved by pumping the water that runs through the turbines into a lower reservoir under the dam. During off-peak times the water is then pumped back up to the upper reservoir where it can be once again used during periods of high demand.

This method has proved to be very successful as the dam can produce twice the amount of electricity from the same amount of water. Because of its success on Itaipu it is now a method used worldwide.


From the devastation of the natural vegetation to the destruction of rare fruit trees and brush the negatives that have come out of building the Itaipu dam far out way the positives. Millions of dollars have been spent by both governments to try and get back the flora and fauna that was present before the construction of the dam began. The regular flooding of the dam during the construction has riddled the surrounding area with salinity. The chemical pollutants (including salt) used to clean the dam where dumped on the land killing the vegetation and numerous species that used that vegetation as a form of shelter or food.

There are also negatives that can arise from building a dam that cannot be planed for during construction. For example the Itaipu dam has had enormous troubles with water supply during periods of drought and poor rainfall. The heat evaporates a large amount of water within the dam reducing the levels of electricity produced.

Another negative that can come from building a dam is the affect of natural disasters. If the surrounding vegetation of a dam is burnt during a bushfire the next time there is heavy rain the soot and ash will be washed into the dam making the water poor quality or maybe even undrinkable. To get the water back to drinkable standard the dam has to be flooded and cleaned affecting the surrounding flora and fauna or a purification system has to be installed which will cost taxpayers a large amount of money


Despite the inclusion of forest protection in the initial planning stages of the construction of the Itaipu dam, over 700 square kilometres of forests have been negatively affected the dam's construction. The major effects have been the complete loss of forestlands, particularly on the Paraguayan side, and the extinction of some plant types, including a forest orchid.

Salinity will also prove to be a major problem in the not so distant future. From the regular dumping of pollutants on the surrounding vegetation it will cause a significant decrease in plant life along with a drop in certain animal species. Other problems may include increased runoff, more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to deforestation and poor water quality.

If these same procedures continue to occur in the next twenty years the adjoining land and its animals will be significantly affected. The habitats of many mammals will be destroyed leaving them with nowhere to hide from the elements or predators, ultimately leading to certain death. In regards to the vegetation, it would be severely depleted from chemicals and other pollutants leaving the plants and other forms of vegetation such as brush with no food and minimal supply of suitable water to grow in.


There are numerous projections for water usage in the Itaipu Dam. From recycling the water to be reused during peak times to funding projects to save the surrounding flora and fauna both governments are doing their fair share. Through conducting these projects they hope to improve the energy output of the dam, the quality of the water and re-charge the surrounding area. All of these projects are conducted around the central goal of reducing Itaipu Dam's effect on the environment and increasing the amount of electricity it can produce.

Please note that this sample paper on itaipu dam is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on itaipu dam, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson itaipu dam will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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