
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Wuthering Heights

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Wuthering Heights. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Wuthering Heights paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Wuthering Heights, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Wuthering Heights paper at affordable prices!

Peter Samfhel

ENWR 106

Professor Eisner


Help with essay on Wuthering Heights

Documented Essay

Wuthering Heights, a story that would not usually be read by a person of my interests, definitely has its ways of drawing you away from the book at the same time bringing you deeply in.Pretty ironic I would say, but the perspective very much makes sense. Every story, every movie, every anything has their pros and cons, but my opinion of Wuthering Heights has a strange way of separating those factors.

Referring to my first statement, when I say a person of my interests, I mean to say that a person like me does not get too excited about love stories or any story that takes a long time to get a point across focusing too much on detail rather the readers attention span. As a matter of fact, thats if this was even a love story.But It must be, besides all the hate, vengeance and cruelty, because all those feelings were because of love, and if this is just some twisted love triangle, Jerry Springer has nothing on it. Though talking about the type of person I am may sound irrelevant, there is a connection with this review.How can you accept a review from someone if you dont know what type of person the reviewer is?The reviewer may be nothing like you, so you cannot take his or her opinion into consideration. Saying this, if you are the type of person a reviewer is, read on and take their opinion into consideration and if you are not, you can do two things, either throw away the review or you can just read on anyway out of curiosity for kicks.

This is a strange book.It is not without evidences of considerable powerbut, as a whole, it is wild, confused;disjointed, and improbable;and the people who make up the drama, which is tragic enough in its consequences, are savages ruder than those who live before the days of Homer. (Examiner 85). Great way to start off a review.It gives a big bang and draws me in immediately, but its a shame that I cant take this opinion into consideration.As said, I dont know this examiner, who he/she is, nor have I read any of their reviews on other books that Ive read. This is the first review that I read from them so to take their perspective maybe appealing by the way it started out, it would be blind.

To compare it with the movie buff that I am, I always take a review into consideration before I see a movie.Now, I have never met the reviewers of whom I take their word for, but I definitely have heard enough to make my judgment. Their judgments were correct, right on the money, how I felt or thought about a movie was the same as the reviewer I took into consideration so I stay with the same reviewer because I know we think alike and are attracted to similar types of movies. There are a lot of old timer reviewers who bash on movies that I love.Obviously we dont have the same interests, so why would I even listen to them.

One of the big gripes I have with these reviews has to be that they drag just like the novel itself. Reading the reviews left me in question just as the book did after reading it.Its a lot like the reviews in modern day, many of them dont give a straight answer. Again, the getting to the point aspect of writing about something is crucial for my types.The majority of a review is talking about the novel and going into detail.Why do they do this?When reading a review, it should state three things; quick general idea of the story, was it good or bad and why.You can plead your case without dissecting the book.

To all such Wuthering Heights must appear a rude and strange production. (Editor's Preface to the New Edition of Wuthering Heights (1850) 1).Must?Where are you going with that.And if it is a rude and strange production, is it a good thing?They start out like this, and then get into detail talking about the novel.This shouldn't be the point of a review.

A review should be taken seriously only when you know of the reviewer.Personally, the best reviewers that I have are friends who see or read something that I haven't yet, and they will give me a great review because they are like me.The other point is that reviews should give a straight answer, not just talking about a story, but giving an honest opinion.Many of the reviews that I have read for Wuthering Heights had similar approaches and similar endings leaving me with a question.So was it a good thing or bad thing? Did you like it or not?That's what I want to know, and that is the reason why I would read a novel.If I take your word for it, then I will read it and figure out what it is all about.

Please note that this sample paper on Wuthering Heights is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Wuthering Heights, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Wuthering Heights will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Character Development

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Character Development. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Character Development paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Character Development, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Character Development paper at affordable prices!

"Biff is two years older than his brother, Happy, well built, but in these days bears a worn air and seems less self-assured." (8, Stage Notes) Biff is a large man, rugged and athletic. He enjoys working outdoors, as is shown by his many farm jobs. Biff is happy outdoors, but he feels that he is wasting his life, and that he should be choosing a career instead of working on a farm.

"Biff, in his high school sweater, enters carrying suitcase. Happy carries Biff's shoulder guards, gold helmet, and football pants." (65, Stage Notes) Biff used to be a promising athlete, and this is how he is remembered by Willy in his flashbacks. This is Biff before he lost faith in his father and lost direction in his life.

"[feeling Biff's muscles] You're comin' home this afternoon captain of the All-Scholastic Championship Team of the City of New York." (67, Willy) Biff's athleticism and physical strength are very important to Willy. The Loman men are all big, masculine men, and physical attributes are vital to them.

Emotional Responses

Custom Essays on Character Development

"What the hell is the matter with him?" (, Biff) Biff responds to every situation the same way his father does; with anger. He is angered very easily as well, even the most minor disturbance is enough to set him off.

"No, Biff. You can't stay here and fight all the time." (41, Linda) Biff and his father constantly fight, and because they are both easily angered, it doesn't take much to start a fight between the two.

"You saw it. The mice didn't bring it into the cellar! What is this supposed to do, make a hero out of you? This supposed to make me sorry for you?" (104, Biff) Biff is angry at his father after finding the rubber hose in the cellar. His confrontation with his father at the end of the play brings forth all of the events which have caused him to lose faith in his father and give up on life.

Mental Ability

"You'll give him the answers!" (6, Willy) Biff is a great athlete, but his poor academic abilities threaten to stop him from graduating. Willy expects Bernard to give Biff the answers so he can pass.

"He never trained himself for anything." (71, Bernard) Biff spent his youth training himself to be an athlete, and once he didn't graduate from high school there was nothing for him to do. He gave up on life and never attempted to graduate afterwards.

"Birnbaum refused absolutely. I begged him, Pop, but he won't give me those points." (, Biff) Biff believes that it is the teacher's fault that he flunked his class, and that it is the teacher's responsibility to give him the points he needs to pass, rather than him have to earn them.

Telling Actions

"Well, I borrowed it form the locker room." (17, Biff) Biff has had a problem with theft ever since his youth. Willy has done nothing to really discourage his problem, actually going so far as to be proud of his son's theft.

"I was all alone in the waiting-room. I don't know what came over me, Hap. The next thing I know I'm in his officepaneled walls, everything. I can't explain it. IHap, I took his fountain pen." (81, Biff) Biff's theft has become so habitual he steals things for absolutely no reason. He steals simply to steal, and it is becoming bad enough that it has cost him several jobs.

"All right, we had it out, I'm going and I'm not writing any more." (10, Biff) Biff has decided that the best thing for himself and his father would be for him to leave and not bother Willy anymore. His father becomes worse when he comes to town, so in the interest of his father he decides to stay away.

Emotional Development

"No, I'm mixed up very bad. Maybe I oughta get married. Maybe I oughta get stuck into something. Maybe that's my trouble. I'm like a boy." (11, Biff) At the beginning of the play Biff is still a very immature, confused, angry man. His life has no direction and he argues with his father constantly.

"You fake! You phony little fake! You fake!" (5, Biff) At the age of seventeen Biff's trust in his father is shattered when he finds out that his father was having an affair. This caused him to give up trying at everything, he gave up on college, on football, on his entire life.

"Pop, I'm nothing! I'm nothing, Pop. Can't you understand that? There's no spite in it any more. I'm just what I am, that's all." (106, Biff) Biff lets out all of the emotion he has been holding back for all these years and lets his father know how he truly feels. After this final confrontation, Biff has said all he has to say, he's finished arguing with his father.

Please note that this sample paper on Character Development is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Character Development, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Character Development will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, August 6, 2020


If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Neighbors. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Neighbors paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Neighbors, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Neighbors paper at affordable prices!

Raymond Carver was born in Oregon, and he was a writer and poet. When Carver died in 188 at the age of fifty, he was acclaimed as the greatest influence on the American short story. At the age of nineteen, he married his high-school girlfriend, the sixteen-year-old Maryann Burk, who was pregnant but later had a second marriage. He did some blue-collar jobs, and he finally became a teacher. Most of his stories come from his own life experiences. Carver, in Where Im Calling From, has a tendency to use the first person narrative. Although ¡§Neighbors' is taken from this work, Carver uses the third person narrative to write it. Employing his minimalist style, Carver's ¡§Neighbors' can be considered as an argument about human character that is uncivilized and irrational when unchecked.

Carver uses six scenes to describe the Miller's weird behavior after they are asked to care for their neighbor's apartment. Each scene becomes more odd and unreal. The key represents as an entry to a free and imaginative world without anybody censoring them. The Millers behave oddly there because their curiosity is uncontrolled. People show their real character when they are utterly alone. Like the Millers, people are always jealous of their sibling's, friend's or neighbor's success and want to be successful like they are. ¡§Well, I wish it was us'(70), says Bill Miller, showing his jealousy of his neighbors the Stones, who seem to have a successful life. As a result, when Bill has a chance to get into the Stone's apartment, he wants to feel what it is like to be stone. ¡§He looked at himself in the mirror and then closed his eyes and then looked again' (70). This sentence shows Bill imagining he is Jim Stone. Taking the pills, which belong to Harriet Stone into his pocket and having two drinks show how Bill imitates Jim Stone. Although his behavior can be explained as stealing, his theft serves little purpose except to weird his behavior becomes when unchecked.

Besides imitating Stone, Bill Miller feels excited and successful after staying at the Stone's apartment. As a result, he likes to make love to his wife after he stays there. Carver never mentions Miller's sex life before Bill Miller has the key to go to the Stone's apartment. When he returns, Bill Miller says, ¡§ 'Let's go to bed, honey,' he said' (71). The next day he asks her wife again to go to bed with him. ¡§ 'Now?' she laughed. 'What's gotten into you' ' (71)? It is obvious Arlene feels surprised that her husband wants to have sex often after he feeds the cat. Bill does weirder thing in the Stone's apartment. It is normal for people in a neighbor's house to scan the house or pay attention to what kind of furniture the neighbor has. However, Bill strangely examines everything in Stone's apartment. Taking two bites of cheddar cheese and chewing on an apple also show he wants to consume a part of the Stone's life. Furthermore, stepping into Harriet Stone's panties and brassiere shows how irrational and uncivilized Bill Miller has become. Carver writes about this scene to increase the level of Bill Miller's odd behavior. Not only does Bill Miller enjoy the world in Stone's apartment, but also does his wife, Arlene.

Arlene Miller also shares her husband's odd behavior and stays at the Stone's apartment for a long time, but she forgets to feed the cat. The main purpose of going there is to feed the cat. The reason she stays there for such a long time is obviously to do something as weird as her husband. The first sign of her peculiar behavior is shown in the sentence, ¡§He noticed white lint clinging to the back of her sweater, and the color was high in her cheeks'(7). Arlene says,¡§ I found some pictures' (7). This proves Arlene also tries on the Stone's clothes, uses some cosmetics, and searches the apartment. ¡§ 'It's funny,' she said. 'You know-to go in someone's place like that.' '(7). This observation brings out the main idea of this short story The Millers act uncivilized irrationally when unchecked. Carver wants to bring out that their darker side is a part of their basic characteristics. At the end, the locked door represents an end for the story, but leaves the reader to imagine what weird behavior could be performed by the Millers.

Order custom research paper on Neighbors

Carver's story ¡§Neighbors' sets up an argument to show that human character is uncivilized and irrational when unchecked and that uncivilized and irrational behavior is a basic characteristic. In ¡§Neighbors,' the Millers act weirdly not only from curiosity but also because without the censure of society's eyes, humans are capable of acting in unknown, mysterious ways.

Please note that this sample paper on Neighbors is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Neighbors, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Neighbors will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Living & learning at HFLS

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on living & learning at HFLS. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality living & learning at HFLS paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in living & learning at HFLS, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your living & learning at HFLS paper at affordable prices!

Living and Learning at Hangzhou Foreign Language School

Good morning, my dear classmates and dear teachers

As soon as I received this topic, I felt that I had a lot to say. Yes, there are so many unforgettable memories that I dont know how to begin. Up to this point of my short-lived life, Living and learning at HFLS must be the most precious treasure in my life.

Three years ago, everyone thought I was lucky enough to enter such a fantastic school, and so did I. I'm sure that they still have this conception now, but I don't share this same thought. They admired me because of the fame of the school. The sentences I heard most were ¡°HFLS specializes in teaching English.¡± ¡°Studying in the school means one of your legs has already entered the gate of a university.¡± ¡­. I didn't change my mind until I started living and learning at HFLS. I found the reason our school was good was not because of its fame, but rather due to the lovely students and teachers.

Help with essay on living & learning at HFLS

I remember quite clearly when I first came into the dormitory, my roommates said ¡°Hello¡± to me with warm smiles. And then we spent the whole noon talking about ourselves although we hadn't met each other before. And I remember Kate was sitting on her bed, reading a book by the name of ¡°Outlaws of the Marsh¡±; Phyllis was lying on her bed, talking happily about her favorite cartoon¡­. I fell in love with these adorable girls at first sight! The longer we live together, the deeper affection we have. I found that all the classmates were pure, clever and beautiful!

Two months ago, Kate asked me what the most unforgettable thing is in my junior life. I answered without thinking ¡°mini-play!¡± then both she and eylie laughed. ¡°We had the same answer!¡± they told me. Mini-play, as a line through out my junior life from the very beginning to the end, brings me a lot of excitement and passion! From Mini-play, I realized that I liked singing, acting, and I really enjoyed the feeling when I was standing on the stage! Mini-play gave me confidence, and it taught me to be brave. But what I really appreciated was that it helped me open a door of making friends--Eric always makes faces though he's a tall handsome boy; Leo is docile though he never corrects his mistakes; Frank is outgoing though sometimes he's a little naughty; and the two girls, Jenny and Olive are also lovely and kind¡­. Although there were some arguments between us, we still regard each other as good friends. Because we all know that a friend is someone who brightens your day with a smile, a warm hello, or gentle words from the heart; a friend is a precious gift to be cherished and nurtured. A friend is a treasure beyond worth.

Teachers, have also been an important part of my junior life.They have had a positive influence on me. Actually, I have a dream of being a teacher of HFLS because we all agree that the teachers (especially the English teachers) in our school are the prettiest! Of course, this is not the emphasis. I like the teachers since they're kind, friendly, gentle, patient and young in their hearts--It seems that sweet smile will not disappear from Miss. Pan's face; sharp eye-contact will not fade through Ms. Tu's glasses¡­. Miss.Xie is mature and graceful; Ms.Xu is frank and straightforward; Mr.Cai is careful and rigorous¡­. Every teacher has his own charm of personality. Eylie always says ¡° The teachers in our school are usually the people who love teaching a lot. According to their ability, they can get a better job, which earns much more money than being a teacher! ¡± Living and learning with such lovely teachers, I feel deeply warm in my heart. So here I'll end my speech with a poem written by Linda

Ive nothing else to offer

So, to you its love Ill send

Its nothing that I borrowed

And its nothing that Id lend

It has no dollar value

And it cant be overused

It isn't fragile, so it can't break

Though, often it's abused

I've given it to others

But each time it's unique

Its meaning's always different

It depends on what you seek

It's something you can store away

To feel when you're in need

But never is it on display

Its beauty can't be seen

I'm giving it ¡°no strings attached¡±

No costly warranty

This love that I am sending

Has a lifetime guarantee. It is a speech for the Art.Cahill Speech Contest in our school. Though I was failed in the contest, I learnt more in trying.

Please note that this sample paper on living & learning at HFLS is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on living & learning at HFLS, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson living & learning at HFLS will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, August 3, 2020


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on drugs. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality drugs paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in drugs, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your drugs paper at affordable prices!

Drug Dependency


We hear a lot about what happens after people get hooked on drugs. In New South Wales experts are meeting this week to tackle Australias drug problems. But why do people become dependant on drugs? Why is it so hard to get off them?


Help with essay on drugs

Have you ever had those chocolate cravings, when you need to have some? You feel like a chocoholic. You feel dependent on it.

We can be dependent on a whole range of things. We find that people might be dependent on chocolate bars, on jewellery, chocolate cake, cars and some people are dependent on work. When you look at the difficulties some people might have by being dependent on work, theyre very similar to problems some people might have who are dependent on drugs.

Steve Alsop - Drug & Alcohol Researcher

Often when dependency involves drugs it becomes serious.

When a drug enters the body it influences how the cells in the body behave. Different drugs have different effects. The cells in the body have to change to cope with the drug, and if a drug is used more and more, some cells may never change back completely. The changed cells send out signals that they need to have more of the drug.

They need the drug in the system to function normally, as the body has become used to having the drug. When the drugs not taken, then withdrawal symptoms set in and some of these include craving for the drug.

Steve Alsop - Drug & Alcohol Researcher

Withdrawal symptoms can range from being bad tempered, getting headaches to full on shaking and vomitting. The only way to feel normal is to have the drug.

Some drugs influence our bodys cells more than others, as they are more addictive. These drugs are heroin, alcohol and nicotine, which is found in cigarettes.

If a drug is used more often, or if its stronger, dependency can increase.

Users can also become attached to the friendships and the routines they follow while taking drugs. .

If I were to give up drinking for example, I might not just miss the alcohol I might miss the relationships and going to the pub with my mates. So youd actually be asking the person to change the drug use and the lifestyle that goes with the drug use.

Steve Alsop - Drug & Alcohol Researcher

There are lots of risks involved with taking drugs. If youre hooked it means youre using them more so the risks increase.


destroys brain cells and damages the liver


can cause lung cancer and heart disease

Injecting Heroin

can spread HIV and Hepatitis C into the blood.

The drug itself carries a risk in relation to the purity of the drug. Other risks include how you take you take it into the body, whether you drink it, smoke it, or inject it. Quite clearly the more often you take some of these drugs, the greater the risk.

Steve Alsop - Drug & Alcohol Researcher


Some people go cold turkey, stopping suddenly. Others find that too hard. They may use medical drugs to help get rid if their craving.

Not all cures work for everybody. Most experts agree that there need to be lots of different treatments available to help people kick the habit.


Dr Robert Vandenberg is investigating the molecular pharmacology of neurotransmitter transporters in the central nervous system. The research group uses a combination of molecular biological and electrophysiological techniques to investigate the molecular basis for the action of endogenous modulators and also novel drugs acting on neurotransmitter transporters.

Glutamate is the predominant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain and dysfunction of glutamate transporters has been implicated in the pathogenesis of neurological disorders such as motor neurone disease, epilpesy and also ischaemia following a stroke. Our work focuses on understanding the basic mechanisms of transport and how this may influence neurotransmission in normal and pathological situations.

Glycine is both an inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitter and we are investigating the role of glycine transporters in controlling glycine concentrations in the CNS. Glycine transporters may be useful targets for novel antipyschotic drugs and through a collaborative project with Allelix Neuroscience Inc., we are investigating the mechanism of action of novel glycine transport inhibitors used to treat schizophrenia. This work will provide a better understanding of the potential for manipulation of glycine concentrations as a way treating this debilitating neurological disorder.

Research in the Molecular Neuropharmacology lab is supported by two project grants from the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia.

Please note that this sample paper on drugs is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on drugs, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson drugs will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, July 31, 2020


If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on prohibition. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality prohibition paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in prohibition, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your prohibition paper at affordable prices!

The prohibition era, which began in 10 with the signing of the 18th amendment, was expected to bring an end to the many social problems associated with the consumption of alcohol.However noble the intentions of those who gathered this amendment may have been, a number of very serious, unexpected consequences arose.Most importantly, corruption and crime increased, prisons became overcrowded, and organized crime was established.Furthermore, no reduction of the consumption of alcohol was measured. The signing of the 1st amendment in 1 signaled the end of the noble experiment.

Similar effects have been noted as a result of the current prohibition of drugs.Both the prohibition of alcohol in the 10s and the current prohibition of other drugs have failed to control societys use of the targeted substances.In fact, current research shows that an increase in the consumption of controlled substances has been noted, as a result of the prohibition.In light of these truths about prohibition of alcohol or any other controlled substance, it is clear that prohibition has created a downward spiral in our society.The intended effects of past and current prohibition have actually been reversed, causing an increase in the consumption of the substance in question.

Prohibition has been called the Noble experiment.The Eighteenth Amendment prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors.Supporters of Prohibition believed that it would quickly bring an end to the apprehensions of most Americans for more than a century about the social problems associated with alcoholic intoxication (McWilliams 16).

Prior to the enactment of the Eighteenth Amendment, the alcohol business was flourishing.It was a leading factor in the United States economy and in some states alcohol production was even subsidized.Alcohol was purchased regularly for pleasure and a stress releaser from the working mans strenuous days.But, in the early 1800's, some Americans became overly concerned with the problems created by alcohol abuse.These problems included domestic violence, damaged family values, disease, and loss of worker productivity.

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These conditions and attitudes present in society before Prohibition paved the way towards the 18th amendment.For one thing, there were a growing number of abstainers in the country.These people felt that abstaining from the consumption of alcohol would lead to greater temperance.In 1806, the first temperance movement was formed when temperance societies were established to warn people against the perils of alcohol.A few years later, the Secretary of War banned the consumption of alcohol on Army posts.By 18, there were nearly 6,000 organizations opposed to the consumption of alcohol, such as the Anti-Saloon League. (Hintz 16)Women, such as Carrie Nation, concerned particularly about drunkenness and the effects of this state on the family and workplace, flocked to temperance societies with hopes that abstaining from the consumption of alcohol would strengthen womens rights in the home, and would help to improve family life. Despite the numerous individuals and groups who supported Prohibition, alcohol still flowed freely amongst the population.Because the substance was cheap, plentiful, and addictive, many Americans frequently consumed alcohol at local saloons and taverns, in the home, after work and sometimes even during work.Still, prohibitionists stood outside of saloons and taverns with signs and recited prayers; sometimes these protests were ignored, other times protesters would clash with the patrons of the bars and saloons.

However, the effects of the powerful temperance movement were felt years before the 18th amendment was even signed.By 11, ten states were considered to be dry, that is, they prohibited the sale and manufacture of alcohol.Without federal legislation to prevent interstate shipments of alcohol though, these dry states were unable to control the flow of the substance into, and within their own borders.Even after World War I broke out, the relentless prohibitionists continued to push for federal legislation that would ban the consumption of alcohol, as well as transportation and production of the substance at the national level.On several occasions these advocates of prohibition, particularly those in rural states in the West and South, went so far as to propose the idea of a constitutional amendment that would require prohibition at the highest level.These rural states lacked major cities, which oftentimes generated much of their revenue from excise taxes on alcohol in the numerous bars and taverns, which were very popular amongst immigrants, in particular.

Please note that this sample paper on prohibition is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on prohibition, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson prohibition will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Poetry Analysis

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Poetry Analysis. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Poetry Analysis paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Poetry Analysis, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Poetry Analysis paper at affordable prices!

Darren Keating


1.0This proposal is written to be aired on teh ABC program Our World in verse. The proposal is based on poetry of war.

.0Aim of this report

Do my essay on Poetry Analysis CHEAP !

.0 This report promotes the filming of two poems that suggest that war is a waste of life.

The first poem, The Hero, written by American Poet, Siegreid Sassoon, tells the story of a mother mourning over her son who died at war. The second poem, Christ at Gallipoli is written by Australian Poet Geoff Page.

.0Subject Matter

.1The connection between these poems are on the subjcet of experiences of war and loss of life. The two poets are from different countries, but they both share the same experiences of worl war. Although the poems are set in different eras of world war and a mother mourning over a lost son and the other one about slaughter, they both value life.


4.1In Christ at Gallipoli, the focus is on Jesus Christ assisting the Allied forces at Gallipoli and the bloodied beach landing. The poet is casual and seems grateful to have christ on his side of the fight. The poet supports this with a first person view of the war.

4.Similarily, the writer of The Hero has a similar discourse that focuses more on the soldiers that died and the mothers that were parents to these soldiers. The soldier in the poem had been brave, he tried to be a hero, but unfortunately through the turmoils of war he died. The poets respect for the lonely mother of the solider is very poignent, god was not on her side as it was for the anzacs at Gallipoli.

5.0Background Visual Image

5.1The most appropriate image used as a background for these poems would be something bold and emotional to suggest the sheer impact of war and the utter destruction it caused. The will be a horde of soldiers across a black background. The image will burn slowly and a white cross tomb stone will be left on the background when the flames die out.

5.The soldiers will be placed in a regular pattern across the screen, to suggest the organisation of the Generals of war who trained and sent these soldiers into battle.

5.The effect of the soldiers burning and turning into a tomb stone will suggest the loss of life of litterally thousands of soldiers. These soldiers were the cannon fodder sent by the Generals, relating to both poems.

5.4While this image is being displayed, music will be played in the background. The most appropriate music would be The Last Post which is purely played to remember our fallen soldiers.

6.0Language Of These Poems

6.1The two poems both have similar language. It is simple, casual and spoken in a 0th century coloquialism, yet it conveys a strong message to allow the reader to really concentrate on the discourse at hand. The titles of the two poems straight away suggest its subject matter ; Christ at Gallipoli and The Hero

6.In both poems there is a discourse that suggests the negative effects of war. However they have different views on the heroes of war. The hero in Christ at Gallipoli, although there is not enough evidence, the hero is supposedly Jesus Christ himself, posing as a solider, killing the enemy Turks. Another theory is that jesus Christ was blessing the soldier who defeated the turkish machine guns.

6.The hero in The Hero, is of a different kind of hero. Young Jack the soldier was proud and triumphent. He was selected to go to war. The army would use propaganda to trick the young men into thinking war was an adventura and you could be a hero. The truth was though, that Jack was not a hero and instead took his own life away on a mine.

6.4The two poems use strong metaphors to get across their message. In Christ at Gallipoli the poet uses metaphors such as Where the cliffs looked black against the sky and He was off like a flash, up the cliffs to express the terror, the carnage and the obsticles of the beach landing at Gallipoli.

6.5The hero uses metaphors like He thought how Jack, cold-footed, useless swine to show the amount of fear and desperation young Jack went through.

6.7There is no rhyme in Christ at Gallipoli at all. However The Hero does have regular rhythm and rhyme, much like a nursery rhyme.


7.1These poems must be included in the popular program of contermporary poetry because they both relate to the latest wars going on in Iraq. It will help people remember how brave these soldiers are and will remind us the true meaning of war.

7.These poems will create interest and discussion about history and they will reflect on their very own lives to remember how they fought to save them.


8.It is recommended that both of these poems be included in the ABC program Our World in Verse.

876 words

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