
Friday, May 15, 2020

Andrew Jackson

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Andrew Jackson. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Andrew Jackson paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Andrew Jackson, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Andrew Jackson paper at affordable prices !

During the turn of the 17 century, America's citizens recognized the nation was poised for change, permanently transforming the way our nation's leaders are chosen.Broad adjustments in electoral process gave the common man more of a voice in the government.First, by allowing all white men the ability to vote, not just land owners.Also by allowing the electors to be elected by the people, and not the state legislature, American citizens had a more direct connection to the electors of the presidency.

By the year 188, these changes were accepted by almost all the states and with the support of the American people had helped elect Andrew Jackson, one of the most controversial presidents of his time.

After being born to a poor South Carolina family, Jackson managed to become a rich landowner and noteworthy lawyer and politician.Along with being the hero of the war of 181 with his crushing victory in the battle of New Orleans, Jackson was the most popular man in America.He started his quest for the presidency when John Quincy Adams became president in 184.

He accused John and Henry Clay to have a "corrupt bargain"; he then decided to create his own political party to beat Adams in the next election.Being a president of the people and extremely popular with the common man, he was a shoe in for the 188 presidency.

Now if you think about it, if you really looked at all the things he has done, you would probably agree we me and say this Jackson guy has done a pretty good job as president.Right from the very beginning of his term, he was a president that liked to get involved.It's good to finally get a president who actually gets things done, not like another Adams.He was a new breed of president.He believed that the president should take an active role in the making of governmental policies.Along with exerting the power of the presidency, like the power of veto.He used this power to its fullest extent by vetoing 1 bills in his 8 year term while all the presidents before him have only used the vetotimes.Jackson was also the first president to use the pocket veto, which is a way to kill a bill at the end of a session of congress by refusing to sign it or veto it.The way Jackson used his cabinet was also brand new.Now he appointed his cabinet but never really used, instead he discussed most of the important matters with a select group of friends, which later became referred to as the kitchen cabinet.

Jackson made his biggest impacts with his policies on Indian affairs.All of his decisions in this matter were top notch.Around the start of the 180s there were about 15,000 Native Americans, which were almost all, considered as savages that just stood in the way of the peaceful settlement of west.Now even though the average Americans views that the native Americans are savages were obviously wrong, they were right on the fact that the tribes had to be moved west.Jackson understood this to and passed one of the most controversial pieces of legislation, the Indian Removal Act in 180, which provided funds to move the Indians still living east of the Mississippi to new reservations on the lands of the Louisiana Purchase.Soon after its ratification every tribe in the south west every tribe save the Cherokee signed treaties with the U.S. government and moved west.The Cherokee are a special case.Since 171, the U.S. had recognized the Cherokee's as a separate nation in North West Georgia.In 188, Georgia passed a law voiding all Cherokee laws and in 180, another Georgia law stated all whites living in the Cherokee territories had to swear allegiance to Georgia.Then in 18, the Cherokee took their case to the Supreme Court and received a ruling in their favor, but Andrew Jackson didn't agree.Jackson sided with Georgia on the dispute and pretty much dared John Marshall to enforce his decision.Since the Supreme Court had no military power to enforce the law the policy of removing Native Americans continued.It must have taken a lot of guts for a guy to just stare down the supreme court like that, which shows you Jackson is willing to go to the extremes if he believes its for the best of the nation, which just adds to his character as being both honorable and XXX. Finally in 185, the Cherokee were givenyears to leave and when they didn't comply were sternly placed into detention centers, and finally forced out into the reservations in 188.

Now of course there are some who believe that Jackson theories on Indian removal were cruel and barbaric, but those of which have to quickly passed judgment without a clear perspective of the facts.To these unintelligent masses it may seem like Jackson is just being fueled by his hatred for the Indians to cause them as much suffering as possible.In fact, they couldn't be further from the truth.Jackson passed all of his Indian legislation precisely for the wellbeing Native American Tribes.He knew that if the tribes stayed in the expending west, they would be surrounded by the roughest and wildest frontiers men who only looked to take advantage of them.Worst of all though was to introduce alcohol to them.Jackson realized the horrible effects that alcohol had on the Native Americans and could foresee that it could ultimately lead to their destruction.Now if they went west like Jackson wanted they would be free and clear of such poisons and able to live their lives in peace.Of all the tribes that stayed behind none are in existence today, while every tribe that moved west is still to this day.

So even though Jackson was often a bit controversial, he wasn't afraid to do what is right, which eventually turned him into one of the best presidents of our nation's history.

Please note that this sample paper on Andrew Jackson is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Andrew Jackson, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Andrew Jackson will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, May 14, 2020


If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on MISS BRILL. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality MISS BRILL paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in MISS BRILL, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your MISS BRILL paper at affordable prices withcustom writing service!

"Miss Brill"

"Miss Brill" by Katherine Mansfield outlines an old woman's lack of understanding for a world that she intimately observes. The heart and mind of the aging Miss Brill, shown through theme, characterization, and symbolism, captures the spirit of human nature's desire to feel important. Strangely, on one of many Sundays, she sees life as it and not as she wishes it to be.

The theme of human need to belong to a significant part of a greater wholeas in Miss Brill's case, who sees herself as an observer of life, somehow separate, but yet an integral part of life. One particular Sunday afternoon differs from all the others for Miss Brill; the Season had begun and "the blue sky [powder] with gold and great spots of light like white wine [splash] over the Public Gardens. Although Miss Brill observes the beauties of the day, she also notices that "The air was motionless, but when you open your mouth there was just a faint chill." Similar to her cold, deathly still stole which was her companion. Her decision to wear the fur pleases her, because to her it contains humanlike characteristics in its sad little eyes which say to her What has been happening to me? This question refers to herself as well because she findspleasure in touching it. An illustration of her delusional thinking caused by the deprivationof emotional human bonds. Thestole, special to Miss Brill, contains a flawed nature like the world around her. She notices " the nose,... wasnt at all firm. It must have had a knock, somehow." Miss Brill appears to grasps everything in her environment.

Miss Brill obviously an intelligent and imaginative woman motivated by an illusion of her importance to society, thrives through other people's experiences. She views the world as a stage and everyone having a partand asa veteran actress she sees her given role as important, after all, "... somebody would have noticed if she hadn't been there." In actuality she plays a flat character, as her name implies - the name Brill given to a European flatfish. Thinking about her role provides Miss Brill with the notion of belonging to a group not as a member of the audience but as one of the performers. Unaware that this was the amoeba of her tragedy, the feeling overwhelms her.

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Symbolically, Miss Brill's world reflects her emptiness. At home herloneliness engulfs to the degree that she even notices "now and again a leaf [comes] drifting - from nowhere, from the sky." She owns a red eiderdown blanket that she places on her bed. Red represents her bleeding passion for contact and by placing it on her bed this makes her desirable. Her fur stole serves as a companion , but it helps her to capture her public surroundings, in which she wishes to take part. The fur, she thinks, helps her to reveal her best to the public. She looks forward to the beginning of the Season, as a sign of changes to come. This significant Sunday "There [are] a number of people out this afternoon, far more than last Sunday. And the band [sounds] louder and gayer." Even the conductor wears a new coat. Miss Brill embraces everyone around her by keenly judging their personalities. The well-dress couple sharing her "special" seat, fail to speak thus disappointing her because she "always [looks] forward to the conversation." She gives them no further attention because "there [is] always a crowd to watch." Watching provides her with an outlet for her need to belong to the world. As a bystander she never misses anything; as a participant she misses everything. Shewatches parading couples and groups who stops to talk andto greet.

Like Miss Brill, Sunday after Sunday the same people sit on the benches and green chairs. She comments that she observes something about nearly all of them. "They [are] odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they [stare] they [look] as though theyd just come from dark little rooms or even - even cupboards!" Soon, a young couple sits down on her "special bench". She thought of them as the hero and heroine, in love. She listens closely and hears the young lady whisper No, not now, Not here, I cant The young man replies But why? Because of that stupid old thing at the end there? indicating Mrs. Brill. He continues on; Mrs. Brill hears every word, every comment made by the two. "Why does she come here at all - who wants her? spews from the young mans mouth and his girlfriend giggles. The young girl, amused by the fur, comments "Its exactly like a fried whiting," therebycrushing Miss Brill's world. The attack on the fur with "the dim little eyes," her "Dear little thing!" leaves Miss Brill defenseless. Such a judgment cripples her and leaves her with no response. As a result, she leaves.

Horribly, the contrast between Miss Brill's idea of her role in life and the reality of the small part that she truly plays in world, shatters her. Previously, she usually buys a slice of honey-cake at the bakers. "It was her Sunday treat." But this day she passes the bakers. In the beginning, of the story Miss Brill sees herself as an observer of life, somehow separate, but yet an integral part of life. In the end, Miss Brill sees herself going "into the little dark roomher room like a cupboard." She sits on her bed with the red eiderdown for a long time, probably contemplating on her new life perspective, she realizes that she is not a grand player; She is not even missed. She puts her fur in its box and "when she put the lid on she [thinks] she [hears] something crying." Miss Brill parallels this action and sound, her world closes and she hears herself crying because of her new found realization that she holds no special social position

Please note that this sample paper on MISS BRILL is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on MISS BRILL, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on MISS BRILL will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, May 11, 2020

Dulce et Decorum Est

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Dulce et Decorum Est. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Dulce et Decorum Est paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Dulce et Decorum Est, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Dulce et Decorum Est paper at affordable prices!

Dulce et Decorum est

What impressed me when I read the poem 'Dulce et Decorum est' meaning 'it is sweet and right to die for your country, was that the title was put to so much infamy, in such a demeaning way. 'Dulce et Decorum est' written by Wilfred Owen during world war one is a prime example of early war poetry. Wilfred Owen is a pioneer in poetry as he wrote so unorthodoxly about war, making 'Dulce et Decorum est' a piece of innovative poetry.

What make this poem so effective are the poetic techniques the author utilises. The poem is based on a decasyllabic system. A wide range of punctuation is used effectively so the reader can read at the intended pace. The rhythm is quite regular and unlike most poems music can't be played to it, which is very suitable as Owen isn't trying to make it a pleasurable, lyrical poem but a precise, memorable poem. The rhyming scheme or pattern is not very intricate and a simple standard for most poems.

The author uses intricate imagery techniques used to the highest degree and the themes were exploited well. The first theme I encountered was the connotation of sleep. Owen used this theme to make the soldiers appear sleepy when they should be alert and awake.

Help with essay on Dulce et Decorum Est

The poet refers to "distant rest" as death. Showing that the soldiers are walking inevitably to their death,

"And towards our distant rest began to trudge"

(Stanza 1, line 4)

The word "trudge" fits in very well with the sentence because of alliteration with "Towards" and "to"; this is a very effective adverb it describes the soldiers as trekking in a very slow, sluggish manner as if they were tired or sleepy.

The author then uses the metaphor "Men marched asleep" to show what state the soldiers were in; it shows that they are in a zombie like state, but they shouldn't be, they have to be wide awake and energetic.

"Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots"

(Stanza 1, line5)

The author uses punctuation to split both parts into 5 syllables. He uses a sense of really denigrating irony in the second part as soldiers always wear their boots.

The author builds up the description of the soldiers' state further

"Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots"

(Stanza 1, line 7)

This is a very effective metaphor and worded well, showing that the soldiers aren't drunk on whisky but tiredness. You get a very clear image of the soldiers' actions by now.

The theme of the sea was also interesting in the poem. This theme is used to describe the horror of the deaths due to inexperience and clumsiness the soldiers went through.

Owen describes the soldier as "flound'ring" which has an association to drowning.

"And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime..."

(Stanza , line 1)

The author uses a simile with punctuation at the end to cause a pause half way through the second stanza. Owen makes the death appear painful and slow.

Owen uses a more complex simile further on

"Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,"

(Stanza , line1)

"the misty panes" refer to the glass on the gas helmets and portholes on a ship, also similarly "thick green light" is a characteristic found in water or the sea and describes the gas.

Owen uses a simile to describe the aura of the gas, "As under a green sea"

"As under a green sea, I saw him drowning."

(Stanza , line 14)

Owen describes a horrible image of death again. He uses punctuation to split the two parts.

The writer uses an unequaled technique incorporating punctuation and description.

"He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning."

(Stanza , line16)

Words are used which describe drowning in the sea and then punctuation is used to emphasize or make stand out.

The theme, lack of senses, is identifiable in the play. Aprofusion of punctuation is used in this line efficiently.

"But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;"

(Stanza 1, line 6)

Blindness is the deficiency in sense at the end of the line. The punctuation is used suitably and each pause makes a difference to how the author wants the reader to interpret it and comprehend.

Owen shows the lack of focus and senses the soldiers require yet again

"Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots"

(Stanza 1, line7)

The sense of hearing is very important to a soldier and at times has to be sharp and focused.

Personification is used in this very short stanza, a stanza which describes Owens recurring dreams of a man's pain of death from a gas attack.

"In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,

He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning."

(Stanza )

Owen personifies his sight as helpless. This line is also linked to the connotations of sleep. The reader feels the pain and anguish Owen is going through. This stanza is very powerful, even though it is short Owen uses very exceptional techniques to make a disturbing image in your mind.

Another example of personification in the play,

"Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time"

(Stanza , line 10)

The poet describes the helmets clumsy, instead of the soldiers trying to put them on being clumsy. This transfers the action of the soldier into the helmet, the line incomparably gets the message across that the soldiers are clumsy

What is surprising about this poem is that at the time this was written, a poem like this would have seemed derogatory about the soldiers. But today war poems are written more commonly among poets. It is fascinating how this poem is still relevant today which makes it more memorable, so Wilfred Owen is still influencing people beyond the grave in his War poetry.



Please note that this sample paper on Dulce et Decorum Est is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Dulce et Decorum Est, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Dulce et Decorum Est will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, May 8, 2020

Personl Information Technology

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Personl Information Technology. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Personl Information Technology paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Personl Information Technology, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Personl Information Technology paper at affordable prices!



In the petroleum industry you use computers in your everyday life. Lorrie who is a scientist and has a degree in chemistry has been with his business for 1 months and he absolutely loves it! In 1 Lorrie finished his degree in chemistry and then from 14 to 1 he worked for 'BP Australia' as a Production Chemist. In 1 until the year 000 he became a Logistics Officer for the company 'ERG' and then from the year 000 till 00 he was a Scientific Officer for 'KSR'. From the beginning of the year and yet till today he is a Product Application officer for 'Shell Australia'.


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The term 'ergonomics' is derived from two Greek words "ergon", meaning work and "nomoi", meaning natural laws. Ergonomists study human capabilities in relationship to work demands and in recent years ergonomists have attempted to define postures, which minimise unnecessary static work and reduce the forces acting on the body.

Ergonomics is the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects, systems and environment for human use. Ergonomics comes into everything, which involves people. Work systems, sports and leisure, health and safety should all embody principals if well designed.

All of us could significantly reduce our risk of injury if we could adhere to the following ergonomic principals

1. All work activities should permit the worker to adopt several different, but equally healthy and safe postures.

. Where muscular force has to be exerted and stars to hurt this is when the ergonomic exercises come in handy.

. Work activities should be performed with the joints at about midpoint of their range of movement. This applies to the head, trunk and upper limbs.

Describe the impact that advancements in Information Technology have had on this industry in terms of social, environmental and personal impacts.

The ergonomic tools and actions that are used in this type of career, which is petroleum, would be the basic office supplies when working in an office in front of a computer.

The ergonomic tools would be the ergonomic chair, ergonomic keyboard, ergonomic mouse, adjustable monitors, and adjustable desks.

The value that you would get out of using these ergonomic tools and equipment would be comfort in the workstation especially when using a PC over an 8 hour day period.In this type of industry there is no need for ergonomic changes to better fit the workplace because the company spends a lot of money to prevent workplace injuries i.e. Repetitive Strain Injury.

In the petroleum business you use don't use a lot of paper as much as you would use in a classroom because in a classroom you usually write stuff on and then print it out or copy and paste bits of information but in the petroleum business you store everything on a computer but you don't print out as much. When Lorrie isn't in the office he's overseas so the information that is in the computer doesn't get printed out. In a way being at school is like being in an office anyway so their isn't much difference the only difference would be is that being in the petroleum business you do a lot more power point presentations.

Identify and define the elements and uses of relevant Information Technology applications used in your chosen industry.

The hardware that is used in this specific industry would be the scanner, laptop, printer, digital camera, GPS, satellite phone, mobile phone and of course a car. In this business when you go overseas you need high technology because you're out in the minefields and so with a satellite phone you would be easy to trace if you got lost.

The software that is used in this specific industry would be Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft front page, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft outlook. They use these standard tools for report writing, spreadsheets, training others and for databases.

The reasons why they use this hardware and software is because it's better communication with people and other businesses especially when it comes to using the internet/intranet for emailing.

The comparison between Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher would be Microsoft Word is used as a standard tool, which means its used all the time and with Microsoft Publisher its only used for when they copy and paste a picture and they want to expand it or make it smaller. In the petroleum business they don't really use Microsoft publisher at all.

With Microsoft word it comes with a whole package called Microsoft office but with Microsoft publisher you have to buy it in a separate package. Microsoft office is much more easier to use and there's more availability in it as it comes with much more. There's a difference in the cost and Microsoft office is much more expensive as it comes with a lot more.

Understanding the relevance of personal productivity skills to present needs, future studies and career opportunities.

The Information Technology skills that you would need to be in the petroleum business would be all the Information Technology skills. You would need to have a certificate or a degree in Information Technology otherwise if you don't have all the skills self-learning would be the way to go . A lot of other qualifications are required to also be in the business.

You could get Information Technology skills at either Tafe of University.

With another occupation, which would be a computer technician, your using computers all the time so therefore you would need computers skills to be with that career/industry. To be a computer technician you would need all the Information Technology skills and you can learn them at a Tafe or university.

Please note that this sample paper on Personl Information Technology is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Personl Information Technology, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paperson Personl Information Technology will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Winslow Homer

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Winslow Homer. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Winslow Homer paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Winslow Homer, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Winslow Homer paper at affordable prices!

The word "homosexual" means pertaining to, characteristic of, or exhibiting sexual desire for others of one's own sex (Mifflin 180).Other terms that are synonyms for this word are gay or lesbian.The word "gay" usually pertains to a male while the word "lesbian" pertains to a female.Homosexuality on the whole is shunned by American society.People sometimes tend to take a holier than thou attitude when it comes to the issue of homosexuality.A plethora of myths surrounds the entire concept of same-sex relationships.Some theories are that homosexuality is wrong and unnatural, and also that people who are homosexual choose to be that way only to go against the grain of the so called normalcy of heterosexuality.In other words, it is implied by these theories that homosexuals seek to purposely be outcasts in society.The last century has been a time of change in the construct of homosexuality; the oppression and liberation of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals; and in entertainment media portrayals (Holtzman 000).

The Celluloid Closet directed by Robert Epstein in 16 explores and challenges the perspective of homosexuality.It also explodes sexual myths and explores how attitudes about homosexuality and sex roles have evolved throughout the century.The Celluloid Closet tracks and evolution of stereotypes (Johnson 16).In Hollywood, the plot in movies concerns the problem of the accusation of homosexuality, not the actual presence of it in the main character and the film.Therefore, it goes as being a subject that is silenced.Pretend it does not exist, and it will go away.This is the attitude that meticulously lingers throughout Hollywood as well as American Culture."The Way We Weren't The Invisible Years" explodes the effect of the institution of the Production Code and censorship of "perversity" in Hollywood films sissies went underground and homosexuality was treated obliquely (Wu 18).As coded censorship into play in films, these so-called "coded" gays are inevitably burdened with the great anguish and desire for "normalcy" (Wu 18).In other words, if homosexuality exists, it must be assimilated within heterosexual ideology as to indirectly hide its existence.Therefore, a film containing homosexual subject matter has an unfair disadvantage to its "normal" heterosexual film.A film that could potentially have shown the deleterious effects of homophobia instead resolves the specter of gayness with the improbableyet much less "frightening" to straight sensibilitiessuggestion that all a homosexual man needs is a good woman to "cure" him (Wu 18).This plight is used to downplay homosexuality.

Hollywood's representations are unkind and unfair to gays and lesbians.One might argue that screen representations do not directly correlate to reality.However, by attacking the image that already exists, the implication is then that somewhere there is a more "acceptable image."Thus winning the battle may mean projecting more positive representations of homosexuals on screen (Wu 18).Nevertheless, the correlation among homosexual portrayal in films, blaxploitation, and women as submissive objects of sexual desire must not be forgotten.The cycle of oppression continues in these other genres of film.This genre of film has ambiguity in both message and production.During blaxploitaiton, blacks are depicted as villains, and pimps.Most of the films are action based featuring defiant black male heroes victorious over white people and sexually conquering black women (Holtzman 000).The blaxploitation plight can be compared to the portrayal of homosexuals in film as both groups are undoubtedly oppressed.

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The fabric of oppression describes the vast majority of those who are targeted by oppression (Holtzman 000).People in this category include gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, women, people of color, and non-Christians.Because oppression limits the human possibilities of all people-those with greater and lesser advantage-it is to everyone's advantage to pursues information and activities that will dismantle this system of oppression (Holtzman 000).As young children many people are pumped with preconceived notions, misinformation, and stereotypes of how certain "things" are supposed to be.Therefore anything outside of what is taught is automatically wrong.For example, young children are taught that boys war blue and are supposed to be tough and outspoken, while it is taught that girls wear pink and are supposed to be dainty and submissive.So, anything outside of this preconceived norm is considered wrong or abnormal.Therefore homosexuality is definitely looked upon as being abnormal.

In order to stay in accord with the majority, the logic behind Hollywood representation of homosexuals collapses real life struggle with reel life struggle.As far as gay liberation goes, it seems somehow like putting the cart before the horse to complain of negative Hollywood representations when everyday life for gays is often the object of negativity from the middle American mainstream (Wu 18).The bottom line in Hollywood and the film industry is money and the heart of Hollywood's interest.Therefore, nothing less should be expected of mainstream movies than appeal to popular misconceptions.However, this does not imply that images are inoffensive or any less degrading.It does suggest that the terms of the debate over Hollywood representation needs to be recast (Wu 18).The Celluloid Closet is instrumental in finally and definitively iterating that the question of gays and lesbians on screen is not to be ignored (Wu 18).


Homosexuals and Film


Holtzman, Linda. Media Messages, Sharpe 000.

Wu, Harmony H.The Celluloid ClosetHomosexuality and the Movies,

Harper&Row 187.

Johnson, Brian D.Tracing the Movies Treatment of Homosexuality,

Maclean 16.


Mifflin, Houghton.Roget's Thesaurus.Mifflin 180

Please note that this sample paper on Winslow Homer is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Winslow Homer, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Winslow Homer will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, May 4, 2020

A bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen paper at affordable prices withcustom writing service!

To a certain extent, a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen. The bleakest, and indeed, most depressing examples being Ruby and Jimmy; one 'descends into madness' and the other takes his own life in a jail cell.However, Jane Harrison also explores and describes the outcomes of some more fortunate, such as Anne; for whom the assimilation policy has ended in relative 'success'. Therefore several points of view are introduced. However, despite the small amount of success to be found in some characters, their 'real' outcomes are portrayed as being bleak, and almost hopeless.It would be fair to say, that Jane Harrison's bleak portrayal of her characters representing those affected by the stolen generation, is an accurate portrayal in its bleakness.

Ruby is a character tormented as a result of being 'assimilated'.Taken away for a weekend, she loses the innocence of childhood, a bleak picture to paint, but an experience that happened to many.She is constantly under huge mental and emotional strain under institutional life, where she receives no love or support, despite the obvious human needs for such thing of a child. It is her relationship with her doll, which she name's 'Ruby', that makes her lack of love evident. She gives all the love and affection she is missing to her doll 'lets go to the lolly shop', 'Let's buy a new dress for Ruby...Ruby, Mummy's going to get you a big present'.This is how Ruby longs to be treated.The torment and mistreatment continues; at age 1, Ruby is sent off to act as a maid. The magnitude of this event is shown by Harrison's direction for the mop and bucket to come 'crashing down from above'. It is this final abuse of personal rights, which aggravates all the psychological damage cause, and in turn, sends Ruby over the brink of madness. Stretched to the limit, Ruby breaks down 'where are you?' she screams, wanting not only her mother, but for anyone to care for her.She ends up in hospital, crazed and beyond reach.Such is the mental corruption of Ruby that when her screamed-for family do come to collect her, she is beyond reach, crying; 'dont need no home of me own, got enough to do'. Jane Harrison's character of Ruby offers to the audience an extremely bleak representation of the children of the stolen generation.

Another of Jane Harrison's characters, Jimmy, represents a sad, depressing and bleak section of the children affected by the stolen generation. The audience is shown Jimmy's life as one of affliction and abuse, which slowly but surely, corrupted him from within. The audience is best shown the change over time, by contrasting his initial attitude and behavior; shown by innocent petty theft at a young age and a carefree attitude, against his final fate; committing suicide in a jail cell.Over time, Jimmy's innocent fun turns into crime and he becomes a criminal and a thief.As the audience is shown in 'racist insults', Jimmy, as a representation of many children of the stolen generation, suffers racial abuse, and being affected by it, and becoming angry; and ends up in prison.It becomes evident to the audience, that this once happy and innocent young boy, has been completely and utterly destroyed by institutionalization; 'they stuck a knife in my heart and twisted it so hard.Prison don't make you tough, it makes ya weak, ya spirit shrivels up inside''I can't fight. I'm punched out'.Jimmy commits suicide.His whole life he had suffered abuse from white people, until it finally beat him.This is an extremely bleak representation of a life as a result of him, a young child like many others, being taken from his parents. It is a bleak representation, but a true one, which speaks for many.

Write my Essay on a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen

In contrast to the former two examples, Anne's story describes an outcome, which can be viewed as a positive one.Although she becomes confused as to her identity, she is fortunate in the way of material possessions; she has clothes, toys, education and a family who are 'always looking out for her best interests'.It would be easy to a member of white society to say that Anne is a positive outcome, and will live happily ever after. However, in line with her meaning to make the audience think and act, Jane Harrison represents Anne truthfully as someone who is confused and unhappy, as would any whose childhood has been stolen. Behind the material possessions, the audience is shown the bleak unhappiness lying behind Anne's confusion and lack of identity. Anne too, despite her better fortune than others, is a bleak outcome of the stolen generation.

As Stolen is a political novel, one that is meant to make the audience think, and to feel emotion, it uses true, although bleak, representations of several outcomes of the children of the stolen generation. To contrast against the bleakness and, according to our culture and morals, the tragic outcomes of the children like Ruby and Jimmy, there are also outcomes such as Anne. It is this contrast, although providing a view of a 'positive outcome' that honestly emphasizes the bleakness of the stolen generation.

Please note that this sample paper on a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on a bleak representation of the stolen generations is offered by the characters of Jane Harrison's play, Stolen will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, April 30, 2020

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oCustomer focused

oProduct (Breakfast meals & Pies)

oPrices (Mr T)

oSecurity of tenure

oOutlets location


oClub Wimpy loyal customers

oWaiter service (sit down)




oProfit making

oIncentive scheme


oPromotion/customer focus


oReal cutlery/crockery (Wimpy)





oGood brands

oInnovation (Mr T Birthdays)


oTourism levy

oPoor country image

oPrice controls leading to shortages


oPoor image investment

oNo fuel (poor Government planning)

oHigh level of corruption

oLiquor licence (Bureaucracy)

oInvestment policy

oReduction in number of tourists

oHigh inflation


oFraud election process

oInterest rates (very high)

oNo democracy

oWeak opposition


oBoycotts (no forex)


oBlack marketing

oNo openness (media)

oTwo tier pricing policy

oRegionalism (Masvingo)

oMilitancy, stay-aways, riots (e.g. trade unions)

oLand distribution


oPoor take-away packaging

oUnattractive uniform

oPoor communication between management and staff

oPoor remuneration

oUnidentified target market

oInsufficient adverts

oNo security of tenure

oNo central buying stores

oPoor ordering systems

oLack of capital growth

oLimited product range

oNo foreign currency


oLevel of investor confidence

oShortage of foodstuffspoor quality

oPoor remuneration

oLow tourist turnover






oDial a delivery

oStaff development

oManagerial promotions


oKiddies' birthday

oKiddies' club

oCaps, T-shirts

oMedia, electronic and print

oRoad shows


oSite locations

oTrading hours


oCreating awareness

oDaily product promotions

oBrands expansion

oOutside catering


oStaff training

oCentral storage for perishables

oCulture e.g. language, communication, openness

oMedical healthmedical shortages

oChange resistance attitude

oShrinkage of disposable income

oCharity donations

oSponsorship in sport e.g. cricket, tennis and soccer

oStatus, racial bias/preference

oBranded souvenirs to sell

oDemographic deathsHIV migration

oFood shortages e.g. maize meal and flour



oPoint of sale and back-office stock control

oCommunicationmobile phones especially managers and technicians

oQuality of service people not happy

oLack of meaningful promotions

oMarketing strategy - ploughing back to the community

oChanging industry historytoo low wages

oGrowth and expansion

oModern machines e.g. dough mixers and storage systems

oProducing our own resources

oStaff development


oSalary reviews


oWorker of the year awards

oProcurement - self reliance


oBudgets too low

oQuality too poor

oRegistered to stock exchange market



oProduct (Breakfast meals & pies)




oSite locations

oBrands expansions

oStaff training

oLimited product range


oPoor communication between management and staff

oCreating awareness

oCharity donations

oMarketing strategyploughing back to the community




oCommunicationmobile phones, especially managers and technicians

oMediaelectronic, print


oRoad shows

oInsufficient adverts

oCulture e.g. language, communication, openness


oProcurement self reliance

oInvestment policy

oNo central buying stores

oCentral storage for perishables


oOutlets location

oLack of capital growth


oLack of meaningful promotions e.g. caps, T-shirts

oKiddies' club

oKiddies' Birthday

oBranded souvenirs to sell

oPoor image investment


oMarketingploughing back to the community

oUnattractive uniform


oBudgets to low

oQuality poor

oPoor take-away packaging

oWaiter service (sit down)


oGood brands

oPromotions/customer focus

oClub Wimpy loyal customers

oStatusracial bias/preferences

oQuality of servicepeople not happy

oCustomer focused


oFlawed election process


oTrading hours


oTwo tier pricing policy

oNo fuel (poor government planning)



oOutside catering

oDaily product promotions

oReligion Halaal


oShrinkage of disposable income

oFood shortages e.g. maize meal and flour

oWeak opposition

oInterest rates (high)

oHigh inflation

oLand distribution


oNo democracy

oHigh level of corruption


oPrice controls leading to shortages

oReduction in number of tourists

oPoor country image


oNo openness (media)

oGrowth and expansion

oMilitancy, stay-aways, riots e.g. trade unions

oRegionalism (Masvingo)

oBlack marketing

oPoor image investment

oBoycotts (no forex)

oShortage of foodstuffspoor quality

oLack of investor confidence

oLow tourist turnover

oNo foreign currency


oChange resistance attitude

oPeople (Energetic)


oPoor remuneration

oCorruption amongst ourselves


oMedical healthmedical shortages

oDemographicsdeaths, HIV migration

oStaff development


oSalary reviews


oWorker-of-the year awards


oSecurity of tenure

oTourism levy

oLiquor licence (bureaucracy)



oNo security of tenure

oChanging industry historytoo low wages






oPoor remuneration

oStaff developmentmanagerial promotions


Please note that this sample paper on setup firmnet is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on setup firmnet, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on setup firmnet will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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