
Monday, June 22, 2020


If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Adoption. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Adoption paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Adoption, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Adoption paper at affordable prices!

The Laws on Adoption

There are all sorts of adoptions! One can adopt a whale, a tree, a patch of grass, even rabbits! This sort of adoption is probably best called sponsoring. The legal Adoption of a Child is something different.

Adoption, in this case, is the LEGAL transferring of a Child from one family to another. This change of family is, in the legal sense, binding in perpetuity. This means that it is for all time.

It is intended to be permanent. The Family belongs to the Child and the Child belongs to the Family. It is as if the Child had been born into the Family. An Adoptive Family is not an alternative family. It IS the Family

Buy cheap Adoption term paper

Is adoption necessary

·Unfortunately, there are children who are not able to stay with their birth family. This may be for any number of causes, but all the causes have the same consequence. The Birth Family is unable to care for the Child

·Frequently, others can step in to care for the child. The child still belongs to the Birth Family and may well return to their care.

·Sometimes, even though the Child retains the identity and legal status of their Birth Family, they may remain with alternative Carers throughout their childhood. Occasionally this may be in residential care. Mostly such children are placed in Foster Families. (This is known as LONG TERM FOSTERING).

·There are a few children who, for whatever reason, cannot remain with their Birth Family.

·Legal Adoption is, for such a child, sometimes agreed as the best solution. The simple and paramount principle that overides everything is that this MUST be an

Problems which may occur

Problems, which may occur during the adoption process, are as follows

·On page number 5 of the adoption act 184, it states, under welfare and interests of the child to be paramount.

. in the administration of this act the welfare and interests of this child concerned shall be regarded as the paramount consideration.

This part of the act is crucial, how can anyone determine what is paramount for a child when they are just born if this is indeed the case? I don't think that anyone is capable of doing such a thing.

·Discharge of adoption orders

·1. (1) An eligible person may apply to the court for an order discharging an order for the adoption of a child made under this act or any other corresponding previous enactment on the grounds-

(a)that the adoption order or a consent for the purposes of the adoption order was obtained by fraud, duress or other improper means; or

(b)that the special circumstances exist why the adoptin order should be discharged.

() In sub-section (1)-

(a)"eligible" person means that the adopted child to whom the adoptin order relates, a natural parent of the adopted child, and adoptive parent of the adopted child, the Director-General or theprincipal officer of the approved agency by which the adoption was arranged; and

(b)a reference to special circumstances includes a reference to an irretrievable breakdown of the relationship between the adoptive parents and the adopted person.

An mother who had given her child up for adoptionyears ago, met the future adoptive parents of her baby daughter Brianne. She then requested that the order be dropped as the family was a distant relation to Martin Bryant. She claimed that when the parents came to see their child, they made evil gestures towards her and the adoptino order was discharged.

I don't believe that that should be able to happen, as the adoptive mother in that particular case did not want to have anything more to do with her daughter after the meeting of the adoptive parents and yet she was able to say to them no, I don't want to you to be my babies parents,

I believe that that is a major down fall in the adoptive act, giving the birth mother immediate rights even is she does not want to be associated with her child ever again.

Good points about the Adoption Act 184

14. Wishes of child

(1) Subject to this Division, an order for the adoption of a child shall not be made unless the Court is satisfied that--

(a) at least 8 days before the day on which the adoption order is to be made the child received counseling from an approved counselor as to the effects of the adoption; and

(b) as far as practicable, the wishes of the child have been ascertained and due consideration is given to them, having regard to the age and understanding of the child.

() Sub-section (1)(a) does not apply if the Court is satisfied that counseling is inappropriate having regard to the age and understanding of the child.

() A person who has given counseling to a child under sub-section (1)(a) must provide a written report to the Court

This states that the child's wishes are best at hand. The law before this act was published in 184 stated no such record of having the child's wishes come to play in the decision of an adoption case.

Changes to the law which may be of benefit

I believe that there should be minimal changes made to the adoption act of 184. The only thing, which I believe should possibly be changed, is that of the wishes of the child. I believe that for children over the age of 1 a lie detector test should be taken to avoid bribery and so forth.

Please note that this sample paper on Adoption is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Adoption, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom research paperson Adoption will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Organizational Culture

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Organizational Culture. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Organizational Culture paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Organizational Culture, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Organizational Culture paper at affordable prices!

An effective organizational culture creates an environment where a company and its people can thrive.Effective cultures have several traits, and they are marked with high levels of employee productivity, creativity and commitment.Dynamic cultures do not emerge by themselves within an organization. They must be actively forged and cultivated to produce the desired results within that organization.There are three essential traits of highly effective organizational cultures.First, there is clarity of vision, mission and values.Second, employees understand their individual roles in attaining the corporate vision.Lastly, there is a strong alignment between employee attitudes, goals and objectives. (Ireland and Hitt)

In thriving cultures, all employees understand what is driving the organization strategically.The employees recognize what the companies priorities are, what its competitive differences are, and how its products and services are positioned within the marketplace versus their competition.Understanding where their company is now, and where the company is heading, helps employees at all levels better deal with their customers, suppliers and business partners.Within Hilti North America, the organizational culture is based on the three principles of the book, Gung Ho.The first of the three principles is Spirit Of The squirrel (Worthwhile work).Second, Way Of The Beaver (In control of achieving the goal).Lastly, Gift Of The Goose (Cheering each other on). (Blanchard and Bowles)

Beyond vision and mission, a strong value system is the foundation of effective cultures.This is where the first principle of the book comes into play.The spirit of the squirrel is founded on these three points.First, knowing we make the world a better place.Second, everyone works toward a shared goal.Lastly, values guide all plans, decisions, and actions. (Blanchard and Bowles)A culture can only be effective if it is consistent with the organization goals and strategy.When employees genuinely embrace the ideals of the organization, they approach their day to day business dealing and relationships productively and positively.

In attaining the visions of the organization, all employees must have a clear understanding of their individual roles and how they impact or contribute to the future success of the company.This is where the second principle of the book comes onto play. It is also founded on three points, which are, first, a playing field with clearly marked territory.Second, thoughts, feelings, needs, and dreams are respected, listened to, and acted upon.Lastly, able but challenged. (Blanchard and Bowles)This section can be summed up in one word, empowerment.Employees in different departments and business units work in harmony to complete the task and to advance the growth and process improvement objectives.By their nature, all corporate functions are linked, but in thriving cultures, they are tightly linked.With empowerment, each individual recognizes how their functions affect others throughout the organization, and they coordinate their efforts accordingly.

Help with essay on Organizational Culture

Empowerment gives strength to an organization's culture.It has the concepts of intrinsic motivation, internal justification for decision-making, shared responsibilities, and integration for problem solving. (Kurstedt and Mallak)Again, understanding what is driving the vision of the company helps employees coordinate their individual efforts and energies.

The third principle from the book is the most fun for managers.It allows the managers to catch someone doing something right, instead of catching someone doing something wrong.Like the previous principles, it is founded on three points, first, active or passive congratulations must be TRUE (Timely, Responsive, Unconditional, Enthusiastic).Second, no score, no game, and cheer the progress.Lastly, enthusiasm equals mission time's cash and congratulations.Just like a football game, you do not sit quiet while the team moves the ball down the field, and only cheer when they score.You cheer the progress, the right plays or actions executed which results in the touchdown.

In conclusion, alignment between employee attitudes and strategic goals and objectives is an essential characteristic of thriving cultures.When employees feel that their personal and professional objectives are being advanced in their current positions, they are more likely to have a positive attitude and be productive and loyal.When people do not feel that their current jobs are excelling them closer to their future goals, they become frustrated.With frustration comes the inclination and desire to look elsewhere in the pursuit of their personal and professional goals.

In a sense, the three essential traits are not only descriptive characteristics, as much as they are crucial conditions to foster growth and operational excellence.Clearly, every organizational culture is different.Each one possesses its own defining vision, but one thing is clear.The fact that culture is decidedly people oriented underscores its importance in ensuring the organizations success in the future.

Please note that this sample paper on Organizational Culture is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Organizational Culture, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom research paperson Organizational Culture will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein.

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein. paper at affordable prices!

TitleInvestigation of the price paid for a washing powder has any

affect on the performance in the digestion of protein.

AimInvestigation of the price paid for a washing powder has any

affect on its performance in the digestion of protein by measuring rate

Cheap Custom Essays on Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein.

of reaction.


More price paid for a washing powder have more rate of reaction. It

gives higher performance in the digestion of protein. So, the process of

digestion occurs quickly with more price paid washing powder.

Price paid for a washing powder µ Rate of reaction

More price paid washing powder contain more enzymes than others. Enzymes speeding up the rate at which reaction occur. Reaction can be controlled the amount of enzyme available determines how fast a reaction proceed. I predict that the rate of reaction of biological washing powders can vary as shown as below.

Persil (0p)Cyclon (16p)Ultima (14p)Tesco value (6p)

Apparatus used

§Biological washing powders (10 %, 7 cm per each)-contain enzymes to speeding up the reaction.


.Cyclon (Safeway's own brand)

.Ultima (Waitrose's own brand)

4.Tesco value

5.Distilled water used as a control (7 cm)

§5 Photographic filmstrips - used as a substrate.

§Water bath at 40°C - used to keep the temperature constant

§Buffer solution PH(1 cm) - used to keep the PH constant.

§10 cm-graduated pipette - used to measure the washing powder solution accurately.

§Pipette filler- used to suck the solution of washing powder via pipette.

§1 cm syringe- used to collect buffer solution.

§1 beaker- used to collect distilled water to wash pipette after using different washing powder solutions.

§Stop clock- used to measure the time taken to finish the reaction.

§5 test tubes

§1 test tube rack- used to hold the test tubes.

§Wax pencil- used to label the test tubes.


vAll apparatus were collected.

vTest tubes 5 were taken and labelled from 1 to 5 by using wax

chinograph pencil.

v7cm of Persil, Cyclon, Ultima, Tesco value washing powders and distilled water was poured into 5 test tubes respectively by using 10 cm-graduated pipette. (Before the washing powder solutions were taken into the pipette the bottle was shaken well to ensure the powder was fully dissolved)

v1cm of PHbuffer solution .was added into each test tube by using 1 cm graduated pipette.

vEach test tube was shaken properly by using different rubber bungs to mix the solutions.

vA photographic filmstrip was inserted into each test tube, which was fully covered by the solution.

vThe 5 test tubes were placed into 40°C water bath with test tube rack.

vAt the same time the stop clock was started and the photographic filmstrips were observed.

vThe observations were recorded within everyminutes to find the time taken for the reaction finish in each washing powder with protein (in this experiment gelatine).

vDistilled water was used as a control.

vThis experiment was carried outtimes to ensure that the results were reliable.

vA 55°C water bath was used the repetition experiment to keep the temperature constant.

vTwo results table were obtained.


Result Table 01 & 0

No of test tubesType of washing powders (Biological)Price of washing powders in (£)Time taken (Min)1st experimentTime taken (Min) nd experiment 01Persil 0.014 40Cyclon-Safeway's own brand0.160 080Ultima-Waitrose's own brand0.140 5404Tesco value 0.064 0605Distilled water- control________________ _______


Experiment 01

Rate of reaction = 1/Time

1.Persil = 1/14

= 0.0714 (4d.p)

.Cyclon = 1/0

= 0.0500 (4d.p)

.Ultima= 1/0

= 0.0 (4d.p)

4.Tesco= 1/4

= 0.08 (4d.p)

Experiment 0

Rate of reaction = 1/Time

1. Persil = 1/4

= 0.08 (4d.p)

.Cyclon = 1/08

= 0.150 (4d.p)

.Ultima = 1/54

= 0.0185 (4d.p)

4.Tesco= 1/06

= 0.1667 (4d.p)

5.Distilled water- None

Summary Result Table

No of test tubesType of washing powders (Biological)Price of washing powders (£)Time taken (Min) 1st experimentRate of reaction (1/Time)Time taken(Min) nd experimentRate of reaction(1/Time) 01Persil 0.0 140.071440.080Cyclon-Safeway's own brand0.16 00.05080.1500Ultima- Waitrose's own brand0.14 0 0.0540.018504Tesco value 0.06 4 0.08060.166705Distilled water- control__________________________________

Please note that this sample paper on Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein. is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein., we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson Investigation of the price paid for a washing powder has anyaffect on the performance in the digestion of protein. will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

My father

If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on my father. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality my father paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in my father, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your my father paper at affordable prices!

Life is a made up of a collection of moments. Some people say that one must learn from obstacles that everyone struggles with. Some people say that every challenge helps to achieve stregth of character and self-growth. Ever since I remember, the most significant change in my life was the loss of my father. Even though it was a very hurtful experience, it helped me to know myself better as a person, realize that I can realize on myself and understand what an inspiration my father was and still is to me.

First of all, everything was special and different when my dad was alive. Since he was the one who maintained the family economically, there was nothing to discuss about when he had made a decision. For instance, when I was a teenager, my dad always wanted me to join the art group at school, which was noticeably unpopular among the students at my high school. Since I would do anything to keep my dad happy, I decided to join the art group in spite of my dislike of drawing. At that time I had the idea that I didnt know what I was going to do with my future. I was suppose to go to engineering school just because dad said so. As time evolved, I recognized that I wasnt going to be satisfied working in a field that didnt seem interesting to me. When my father died, I understood that I was the one responsible for building my future, and that was when I actually started to work on what I really enjoy doing science. By working in that area, I felt more comfortable, I found a part of my personality which was mostly humanitarian. I discovered that I could really know myself better when I had the opportunity to do whatever I felt more capable of doing.

Second of all, the death of my father has helped me to understand that I am a self-reliant person. Althoug I felt lost for a while when I was told my dad had passed away, I found out that I was capable of doing anything I wanted as long as I persisted in doing it. For example, when I first came to the United States I came here by myself. My first step was to sign up for ESL classes, so that I could learn some English and then find a job to support myself. The task was difficult. I had never worked in my life. I had always been very spoiled and everything was provided for me. I just needed to ask to receive what I wanted. During Christmas, I obtained a job in a small clothing store that has now gone out of business. I used to go to school four hours a day during the week and work eight hours right after school. I had never been through such a sacrificing routine. Anyway, when I received my first paycheck, I felt so proud of myself because I earned it. I know that my father would have felt the same way if he had been here. By earning a salary, I recognized that I could depend on myself rather than on my dad or my family. Even though it was difficult at the beginning, it was a valuable lesson that taught me how to become an active member of society and made every challenge I went through worthwhile.

In addition, I learned many new skills at my workplace besides cashiering. I had the opportunity to interact with different people from different cultural backgrounds, which was a unique experience. By working with and getting to know each of these people with different mentalities and personalities, I enriched myself. Now I believe I have become more open-minded than I used to be before I had to experience the terrible loss of my father. Also, I became more sensitive to others. I know how it feels to lose a father when I was only seventeen. It was and still is devastating. Thats why whenever I see anybody going through any difficulty I dont hesitate to ask if a I can help. Thats the example I receive from my father who never refused to help others.

Write my Essay on my father for me

Finally, the death of my father helped me to value his hard work. Ever since I remember, my father had always been a hard working person. He used to work hard in order to have more to offer to his family. In spite of his advanced age, he never stopped working. In addition, he would buy me anything I asked him for. That was his way to show me love. Now that he isnt here anymore, I really miss his attention and his love. I now value all of his sacrifices, I now undertand that a person doesnt immigrate to the United States just for the fun of it. At first, I thought that my father had left because he didnt want to be with us anymore. I had even felt some resentment since I thought he was being selfish in his search for a better life. Now that I have faced some of the difficulties that my dad did when he came here, I feel ashamed of my way of thinking. If he left his family, it was because he cared and he wanted us to have a better education and a better life. I now understand the importance of my father better. I am thankful that I had such a worthy man as a father.

Moreover, he was a kind person. He wouldnt hesitate to lend a hand to anybody who needed it. Thats the man he was, and thats why I loved and admired him so much. He was and always will be my inspiration.

In conclusion, my dad represented a prominent part of my life since he was my example to follow. Even though the loss of my father was a horrible experience of pain and suffering, it has helped me to understand both my dad and myself better.

Please note that this sample paper on my father is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on my father, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom research paperson my father will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust paper at affordable prices!

Gilbert Veney


The book we read, Night, by Elie Wiesel, and the movie we watched have some similarities, but a lot of differences.Although both deal with the Holocaust, the movie and book present the situation from much different views.The book explains more about what people in general, had to go through in the Holocaust.The movie, on the other hand, focuses on an individual family, and their journey through the Holocaust.I feel the book give me a much better understanding of actually occurrences, and how people felt going through the Holocaust.

One big difference between the book and movie was the fact that the book was a piece of non-fiction, while the movie was fiction.Obviously, as a reader or watcher, that can make a big difference in how you think about the piece youre observing.Every time I see a movie, or read a book or article that is a true story, during the time in which I read or see the book or movie, I think about the fact that the information I'm getting is true.It seems that things are more powerful to people when they know that they are true.Imagine reading a book about a football player, which went from being a bagger of food in a supermarket, to an All-Pro Quarterback in the NFL, whom led his team to a Super Bowl victory.Some might feel impact from hearing that story, however, if I told you that the story occurred in real life, and recently at that, you would feel much more impacted.If I had not read the book before I saw the movie, I dont think that I would have taken nearly the same amount of impact from this Unit as I have.

Order College Papers on Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust

A similarity between both the book and movie is that in both publications there is an introduction before each family is put into the horror of the Holocaust.In the book, Elie, (the author of the book, and narrator of the story,) describes his family and other members of his Jewish community.He speaks of the Jewish ghetto in which he lives in, and gives you a good sense of his environment.The movie spends a great portion of its time on the introduction.As it is geared towards telling the story of a particular family, including, but not just their time in the Holocaust, it focuses on the story of the family.Therefore, the movie provides a great deal of background information before the Holocaust.

Another similarity between the book and movie is that in both publications the groups get a warning that all is not good being a Jew anymore.For example, Moshe the Beade, a man whom could be described as the, community bum, comes back to warn the people of Elies communities about what the Germans are doing to the Jews when they forcefully move them.The group that Moshe the Beade was with, was taken out to a field and shot.However, when Moshe comes back to tell the story, none of the other Jews heed his warnings.Elie regards this as one of the many mistakes that were made during his journey.In the Movie, the main character in the story, the father of the family, also hears warning about how theyre treating Jews.He ignores these warnings, confident that everything would be fine.Although, he could take his family and leave at any time, he chooses not to, choosing instead to stay and continue the countdown until the day he would be taken away.Unfourtunely, this turns out to be a fatal decision for him.

One big difference between the book and the movie is the way the arrival, and actual time in the concentration camps is depicted.In the book, the father is constantly joking and talking with the kids about what a fun adventure theyre having.He keeps lying to the kid, giving him reasons for the predicament they are in.As a watcher, his humor and the irony in many of the things he is saying, bring an almost comical feeling to the picture.One thing that allows for this is the fact that although they talk about the gas chambers that Jews are executed in, there is never a visual image of these places in the movie.

In the book, the arrival and time spent in the concentration camps is the main part of the book, and drawn out.Elie is very detailed in catching his memories from the camp, which serves to give readers a great description of how things for like for actual Jews experiencing the Holocaust.Since the experience was at all times horrifying, the book gives you a deeper respect and understanding for what the Jews went through.From the first mention of violence, with Moshe the Beade reporting back his experiences, to Elies freedom at the end, the book is a chilling experience.

Overall, I feel that although the book and movie both covered the Holocaust, they have more differences then they do similarities.I think something that accounts for this the fact that when you write a book, or produce a movie, each publication can more easily bring different elements of entertainment to the forefront then the other.However, if I had to choose between the book and the movie to cover the Holocaust, I would most defiantly choose the book.

Please note that this sample paper on Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Contrasting Two Different Sources of the Holocaust will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, June 8, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on ICT POWERPOINT PROJECT: ANALYSIS. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality ICT POWERPOINT PROJECT: ANALYSIS paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in ICT POWERPOINT PROJECT: ANALYSIS, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your ICT POWERPOINT PROJECT: ANALYSIS paper at affordable prices!


The organisation I have chosen is called Gigabyte; it specializes in selling computer games software by mail order.The company has recently set up a database system that has our entire customer's information on the account their account in Gigabyte.Our company has been very successful in our goal to become the number one distributor of computer games software.Under Microsoft our organisation has had more sales than any other in between the space of the last four years, we have millions of people all around the world that have signed and registered into a Gigabyte account and we receive all current software and hardware releases before most other organisations.

Our methods of publicity are very simple but not very effective.We hand out leaflets about our company that have information on what our company is about, Magazines get sent monthly to account members that have subscribed to it. About once or twice a year we hold an annual raffle, which is open to all members of the public, on this occasion we give away a number of prizes including a Sony Playstation, Nintendo Gamecube and Microsoft's X-box.Also we give participants a chance to win three items from our store, of their choice in our lottery held on the same day.

The problems with our methods are that the magazines we offer have to be subscribed, as we are joint owners of the magazine along with a company that publishes our material we pay them for every magazine that we buy off them, so the magazines cost our customer money and a customer shouldn't pay money for information concerning her own account which she should be able to access for free.


The leaflets we hand out can only hold a limited amount of information and do not give enough information on how to sign up an account if you have not already done so.Also the magazines, leaflets and raffle holdings cannot be accessible to people all over the world unless posted but will cost our company a lot of money on stamps.

I intend on removing our paper-based system of notebooks and ledgers. I intend to make sure all the documentation we need is on our website so as it'll never get lost, unlike a book were you may leave somewhere and spending hours trying to find it, if I do have the bad luck to lose it I can always reloaded it off the original data source.Updates to documentation can be downloaded off the Internet so our company can always have the latest version without having bite of paper get lost. I might also consider making a help page "context-sensitive", in other words, the type and level of help depends on where you are in the website and what you are trying to do (or having problems with).Also this new computerised system takes up a lot less space than the paper-based one we are currently using. But this system is not perfect, if there's a system failure or a power cut, then important data might get corrupted or lost as well as the fact that files can be copied easily meaning that secrete and confidential information can be removed from the system, to prevent this it must be kept secure from hackers and unauthorised users.

I will use PowerPoint for this problem even thought there are web-site design tools that can be used because of its flexibility and compatibility with other Microsoft products, it is ideal as a multi-purpose application.Its integration with other packages such as Excel and Access enable the program to give clear information to those concerned with the ongoing running of a company or organisation.It produces professional looking presentations.Use of multimedia can help grab and keep people's attention.Presentations can be saved and used again with or without the speaker being present.It's easy to edit presentations and adapt them for different audiences.The disadvantages of using this software is that it is very easy to get carried away by the technology and produce badly designed slides and the software used to run the presentation can be expensive for e.g. a laptop computer and an LCD projector can easily cost over £000.

There are also various other ways of presenting this information like a verbal presentation, DTP publication, and video or on a traditional slide show.I thought about using a traditional slide show but PowerPoint enables people to produce electronic self-running slideshows with animations, slide transitions and sound effects.

I will also do some image editing with the help of applications such as Microsoft photo editor to crop, resize and/or sharpen photographs

Fro my web-site I hope to produce and achieve will be, to make my web-site viewable in three different language, that any page in my web-site will have at most four hyperlinks to get to it, that I will create 8 different slides on power point for my web-site, that my web-site covers all the information needed to sign-up an account with Gigabyte and that all information in my web-site is easy to follow and understand.

The equipment I will be using (hardware or software) includes a PC, a colour laser printer, a scanner, PowerPoint, Microsoft Photo editor and Internet explorer.

Please note that this sample paper on ICT POWERPOINT PROJECT: ANALYSIS is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on ICT POWERPOINT PROJECT: ANALYSIS, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on ICT POWERPOINT PROJECT: ANALYSIS will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, June 5, 2020

Crossley Gas Engine

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Crossley Gas Engine. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Crossley Gas Engine paper right on time.

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The engine tested was a Crossley Gas Engine, which when tested had a power output of .kW in comparison to this a typical petrol engine would have an output of approximately 70kW and a tractor unit (used to pull an articulated lorry) would have an output 50kW. As can be seen this is a large difference in power output however many factors must be observed to see why this is the outcome. Such factors which effect this is that the Crossley gas engine is an old single cylinder engine which and a speed of 181 rpm, to compare this to the speed of a typical petrol engine, which is around 6000 rpm and a tractor unit (diesel, compression ignition engine) of 1700 rpm.

The Torque-speed characteristics of an engine are very important, this is because in an engine the higher the torque produced the higher the output of power, this can be seen as brake power is a function of torque (BP = Tç). This means that if at a low engine speed the torque is large, then the power output will also be large and therefore a greater driving force will be achieved and thus a better engine is produced. It also stands to reason that if the same torque and therefore brake power can be produced at a lower engine speed the wear on the engine will be less than that of an engine which runs at a higher speed to produce the same outcome in torque.

The Crossley gas engine had a calculated thermal efficiency of 11.%, where as a modern petrol engine would have an efficiency of around 5% and a diesel engine, such as that in tractor unit may have an efficiency up to 5%. The difference in these efficiency can be related to the fact that the Crossley gas engine has a low compression ratio (41) where as the modern car engine has a ratio of 101 and a tractor unit of between 01 to 01.

The power output would vary with a change in the air/fuel ratio, but this would only be more 'visible' when the engine is working at full output. This is due to the fact that the limiting factor on an engine is the air entering the cylinder, since at full output all of the air is being burned, this mean that if the ratio of the fuel mixture is change to allow more air in then a higher output can be reached.

A P-V diagram would change with load because the area under the graph is represented by work done and the work done would also be dependant on the load and if the load was changed then the P-V diagram would also change.

When a car is at rest but with the engine running there is fuel consumed but no actual power output to the drive wheels, if the car then starts to accelerate it will start to use more petrol but, there will be an output which is visible (as the car is moving). Then when the car reaches its optimum speed (an load) the petrol which is being used to keep the output at such a level that the car is at its optimum speed will be less than it would need to keep it at a lower speed, and so it can be said as the load increases the specific fuel consumption decreases.

The volumetric efficiency is important to an engine because if the efficiency decreases as the size of the engine is increased then if a large engine was built for industrial use it would not be classed as useful if it could not maintain a reasonable efficiency.

In a modern car the energy output between the drive shaft, coolant (radiated heat) and exhaust gases are 1/, 1/, 1/ respectively. Manufactures must ensure that the energy outputs from a car do not change so that a greater amount of exhaust gases are produced because they have to abide by law which state car must not produce a large amount of exhaust gases. If a greater proportion of energy is going to either coolant or exhaust gases, this also means there has to be less energy going to the drive shaft, and thus general efficiency of the car decreases. The Crossley gas engine does not have the same ratio as this. The main reason for this is the fact that it has a 'hit and miss' governor, which means that the fuel mixture may not always be ignited.

The compression ratio, is the ratio at which the air is compressed in comparison to that of its original volume, this affects the performance as if more air can be compressed in the cylinder then the pressure will be increased and so when ignited the temperature will be higher and thus the volume greater, which increases the engines output. On a car there is only a certain compression ratio which a cylinder can achieve, and so if a turbo charger is used then the compression ratio will be increased as a turbo charger injects more air into the cylinder.

The main gases which are expelled from the exhaust are CO, CO, sulphur, lead and nitrogen. These gases are all dangerous and affect the levels of 'smog' in cities and also affect the ozone layer as CO is a green house gas. This means that laws have been brought in by the government to restrict manufacturers into producing low emission cars. The government also try to promote people into buying cars with smaller engines, by reducing tax, as they produce fewer emissions. Measures can also be taken by drivers to reduce pollution. If a car is running at constant speed then the exhaust gases are less than if revving or accelerating. Fitting a catalytic converter also converts some exhaust gases so that gases are emitted.

Please note that this sample paper on Crossley Gas Engine is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Crossley Gas Engine, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Crossley Gas Engine will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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