
Monday, July 6, 2020

Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ?

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ? paper at affordable prices!

There is a reason Guare includes the two-sided Kadinsky painting in this play and as the play's two main characters, Ouisa Kittredge and Paul, unfold the reason becomes very clear.The painting is unique because of the two completely different styles that are represented by each side of it.One side is geometric, ordered and structured, while the other is a vivid mesh of brightly colored brush strokes, without any apparent structure or design.The characters, Ouisa and Paul, could be represented in this same way.

Ouisa flits through a large portion of the play, unstructured, without any real depth at all.When social issues are discussed her responses are superficial and inappropriately humorous."I see all these very striking coal miners modeling the fall fashions"(11) , she babbles when they discuss Gorbachev's role inintroducing democracy to Russia.Then later to their recently mugged dinner guest, "Tell us stories of movie stars tying up their children and being cruel" (5). She seems only interested in the trivial, accumulating anecdotes for later dinner parties, shallow knowledge to impress her circle of friends."There is a boarding school in Switzerland that takes you at age eighteen months"(), she blurts as Paul and Geoffrey discuss racial issuesin South Africa andAmerica, proud of this bit of inconsequential information she can add to the conversation.

Ouisa is the random side of the Kadinsky, a mixture of colorful anecdotes and trivia, arranged in no specific order.Later, when she and Flan see friends of theirs her first words are, "Do we have a story to tell you!" (54).She has the ultimate anecdote now and cannot wait to share it.

Paul, on the other hand, is the geometric, structured side of the Kadinsky.He has, because of his need for an identity, built one for himself, one that will gain him entry to the world of"luxurious despair" (0), or what Trent called, "Hand to mouth on a higher plateau" (77). Paul has carefully drawn his character, his shape,a collage of parts from other people's lives, thoughtfully arranged.He even describes his methods as he gives them the "scoop" on Sidney Poitier."My father, being an actor, has no real identity" (0), Paul says, describing his supposed movie star father, but really describing himself.Paul is an empty shell, albeit a very clever one, and where Kadinsky has used compass and protractor, he has used people and information to create "Paul".

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There is a point though when this character, this "Paul",becomes more than a cocktail party yarn to Ouisa.Somehow, during the phone conversation near the end of the play,he breaks through the superficiality of her demeanor to expose the much deeper woman within, drawing out her compassion.He opens up, telling her, "That was the happiest night I ever had" (106) and pleading, "Will you help me?" (10).His structure is crumbling, his carefully formed identity is fading,, and he reaches out to her.Her answer to this question, this plea,is a turning point, a move on her part from selfish to unselfish.There is nothing for her to gain, no advancement up the social ladder, when she replies, "I will help you" (10).

And that is exactly what she tries to do, searching through the criminal and court systems, trying to help him, hearing again and again "We weren't family" and "We didn't know Paul's name" (116).Flan is confused by her search, asking "Why does it mean so much to you?" (116)She is changed.The vivid colors are melting, a form and a purpose is emerging in her life.Flan's lack of compassion enrages her."He did more for us in a few hours than our children ever did" (117), she points out, adding, "I will not turn him into an anecdote" (117).She goes on to voice her realization, "There is color in my life, but I'm not aware of any structure" (118), and going deeper still, "I am a collage of unaccounted-for brush strokes" (118).It all comes together then, crystallizing as she speaks, and the two sides of the painting fuse into one work of art, "She considers. She smiles. The Kadinsky begins its slow revolve" (10).

Please note that this sample paper on Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ?, we are here to assist you.Your cheap college paperson Does the two-sided Kadinsky painting in Six degrees of Separation represent the play'stwo main characters ? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Human Selfishness

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Human Selfishness. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Human Selfishness paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Human Selfishness, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Human Selfishness paper at affordable prices!

Human selfishness often overshadows the goal an individual is struggling to achieve in a literary Work. Sometimes the object in which the entire conflict revolves around is lost because of the harshness in which it is conducted.Conflicts such as these give the reader insight as to what is truly important because most things are not appreciated until they are lost.Raymond Carver's "Popular Mechanics", Lorraine Hansberry's "A Raisin in the Sun", and Margaret Atwood's "Bored" present conflicts to the reader in which the goal is lost only because of the selfishness of those involved and the goal is not appreciated until after the conflict is decided.

Raymond Carver begins "Popular Mechanics" by giving the short story a dark mood which is a premonition to it's ending.He does this by describing the somber scene outside of the house then stating ,"But it was getting dark on the inside too."The short story has a unemotional twist to it within the way that it refers to the relationship between the parents and their treatment of the baby. This is evident even in the title, "Popular Mechanics", which seems to relate more to a more tangible subject than emotional.The family dispute leads to a violent struggle for the baby and "In this manner, the issue was decided".The parents use the baby more as a method of hurting each other and don't allow themselves to grasp what they are doing until after the conflict is over.

The "issue" that was decided was the welfare of the baby and because of the violent struggle, it leads the reader to assume the worst for the baby.The theme of this short story focuses on the small things that are often mistreated and discarded without ever fully grasping their importance until they are gone.The baby in the short story is an example of the goal that each parent was trying to achieve but neither parent accomplished because their selfishness made them unable to see that they were harming the baby more than they were harming each other.

Another example of human selfishness overshadowing the importance of person or time period can be found in t Margaret Atwood's "Bored". Atwood recounts her childhood with her dad and only appreciates the times that she had with him only because he died and she can no longer participate in those boring, monotonous tasks.The author uses repetition in her work to convey the boring tone to the reader."Or sat in the back / of the car, or sat still in boats, / sat, sat,. ..". She successfully shares her boredom with the reader by describing the minutiae details that even bored her when she was a child."The acid crumbs of loam, the granular pink rock, it's igneous veins, .. .".At that point in her life, she "could hardly wait to get / the hell out of there to /anywhere else." but as she recounts the period of her life that she missed she realizes the happiness that she choose to ignore.Because of her selfish behavior, she never came to appreciate her father or the things that he did and can only remember the good times in her recollection of the events that occurred.

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This theme is also apparent in Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun through Walter Lee's selfishness when it comes to the money that they received. When the money was being shipped to the family, all of the members of the family were already conceiving ways in which they would use the money.All of the family regarded the money as an answer to all of their problems but in all actuality, it hindered the family more than it helped them to solve their problems.The only result of the money were continuous conflicts within the family which were not resolved until the money was lost which forced them to come together as a family.

Walter Lee's Selfish act of taking both his share and Beneatha's share of the money just to invest it in a shady business transaction shows the reader his desperation.Walter was tired of living in a cramped apartment and finally saw an end to his poverty but through his selfish acts he inadvertently makes his families' lives more difficult.It isn't until after he loses the money for the family that he understands what it truly means to be part of a family and takes responsibility.He never understands his role as a father, sister, husband, or son until after the conflict with the money is over and he is allowed to see what he is meant to do.His selfishness and greed clouded his judgment and he never appreciates the wealth that he already had until the money is lost.

Each of these three literary works, Atwood's "Bored", Carver's "Popular Mechanics", and Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, support the theme that human selfishness overshadows the true goal of an individual.None of the characters in any of these literary works appreciate life's simple gifts until they have wasted them on their own selfish desires. Through the conflicts present in each of the works, the characters as well as the reader grasp the true meaning of family values.

Please note that this sample paper on Human Selfishness is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Human Selfishness, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Human Selfishness will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, July 2, 2020

Relgion in the media

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on relgion in the media. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality relgion in the media paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in relgion in the media, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your relgion in the media paper at affordable prices!

Good morning,

Today I will be discussing how religion is promoted in the media.

I will be looking at a few examples of media presented to the Australian public, in which we often find bias, fact and opinion. The things we read and watch send messages to us and we interpret them how we choose. Religion is something we are all faced with in life and the media coverage is diverse and plentiful. I will be focusing mainly on the Christian conveyance of perspectives in the Australian media, and the way it is seen. Using different examples, which contain Christian representations, which both promote and devalue it.

The first source is from one of the religion writers for the Sydney morning herald, Chris mcgillion. An article he wrote recently discusses prayer, something a Christian practices all the time and values immeasurably. Chris, as a Christian man believes in prayer and it's power, however he takes on an unbiased role as he presents us with the facts about prayer. Man has often questioned the efficacy of prayer, yet the majority of the populations of western nations pray. The article goes on to reveal results from physical tests some doubtful members of society have conducted on prayer since 1870. The results are mixed, this amounts to the conclusion that this religion has neither been promoted nor demoted and is simply open to opinion. However, toward the end of the article, the argument is made that prayer is perhaps substantially more effective once a better understanding of it is reached. This claim is backed up by a quote from Mahatma Gandhi, who said, "Prayer is not an old women's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied it is the most potent instrument of action." Perhaps the bias that the writer of this article holds trickles through in the last part of the article, however it certainly upholds prayer and ultimately promotes Christianity and other religions that pray, such as Islam.

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Lately with the hype surrounding possible war, many institutions have taken various stances with regards to the topic. The Catholic Church has made its position known clearly against war. The religion report on radio national ran a program recently, playing a song composed by a catholic priest from Italy, followed by a brief interview with him about his protest. Here we have a figure that represents the Catholic Church, speaking out against war. This is another outlet for religious promotion, yet only to those who share the catholic view. However in society there are alwaysviews and some would strongly disagree with this view, and this conflict could lead to a negative perception of the Catholic Church and Christianity in general. It is a matter of opinion.

One publication in the Australian media is the Southern Cross newspaper. A Christian newspaper written by Christians can be forgiven for bias, as it is part of their ministry.

Last week there was an article about the active work in the church to reach ethnic communities with its ministry. This article strongly promotes Christianity as an open-minded, multicultural religion. Without this form of media these ideas might not get across to the public.

Religious references in popular television programs can be trivial and insignificant to the story in fictional shows, however when a particular religion is tied directly to an unlikable character it can downgrade the image of, and provoke a negative response to that religion. In the popular animated series, "the Simpson's" the religious link to the show is the conservative church leader, reverend love-joy. The show, being a comedy, makes the reverend a priest like figure who teaches the stereotypical sermon that works are the key to salvation and not grace. Either this reference in the show is trying to criticize the church or its creators seek to negatively portray Christianity in today's consumerist society. Similarly in the show charmed, the heroines in the story, the Hallowell sisters, positively reflect witchcraft, although the show is a fantasy, it is based on sorcery and kids today may want to explore those things as they look up to characters on the program.

In an article by Kelly burke, a non-Christian, dr. peter Jensen, the archbishop for the Sydney diocese of the Anglican church was criticized by burke for thinking he had a right to proclaim his, and other Christians' mission publicly. Every other religion in the local area had a go and Kelly gave them a stage, you get the sense that Kelly is an open-minded person, as she seemed to accept the views of all the religions, excluding Christianity, of course. This devalues the Christian religion and the media delivers it to your doorstep.

So in response to the focus question, yes the media is an important vehicle for the promotion of religion in Australia. As it confronts us daily with debate, provokes our thought, making it prominent in our culture.

Please note that this sample paper on relgion in the media is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on relgion in the media, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson relgion in the media will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969 paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969 paper at affordable prices!

The essay is about the reasons why the government decided to send in the British troops to Northern Ireland on the 14th August 16, we look here at the origins and the history of the conflict.

The most obvious reasons we think of are that riots started to break out and the Northern Ireland police lost control, this was because from the beginning, Catholics in Northern Ireland were a disadvantaged minority in matters of employment, housing, education, cultural and political participation. In 168 a civil rights movement emerged to protest against this discrimination, often provoking violent reactions within the Protestant community. The Catholics were greatly influenced by Dr Martin Luther King, and the American Civil Rights Movements which were going on at about the same time.

Protestants also had fears, they would have to share there economy with the rest of Ireland and the Roman Catholic Church would interfere in the running of the country. Also they maybe threatened with violence by the IRA to become a part of the republic of Ireland.

If we delve deeper we come to the partition in 10, Protestants remained part of the UK and the Roman Catholics who wanted independence. In Northern Ireland 66% of the population were Protestant and 4% were Roman Catholics.

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This partition had its roots in the 17th-century Ulster Plantation, which introduced Protestant settlers from England and Scotland into an overwhelmingly Roman Catholic country, establishing a Protestant control over the settlers and the native population in politics and society.

The long term causes of the problems between the Catholics and Protestant of Northern Ireland are rooted in the histories of England and Ireland. Since the 1th century and the invasion of Henry II in Ireland. Where English settlers were given land that belonged to the conquered Irish. These settles had more power and privileges then the native Irish. From this time until the act of union in 1800 England and Ireland were frequently at war with one another. Further confiscations of land took place by James 1stin 1601 and then by Oliver Cromwell in 1640's, making the Irish very angry and antiBritish.

The religious side to conflict started in 154 when Henry VIII broke away from the Pope and set up a new church of England, but the Irish wished to remain Roman Catholics and did not want to be forced to swear loyalty to Henry. He also passed laws were by every person should use the English tongue and language. Furthermore houses should be kept "according to English order condition and manner". In 154 he announced that he was also king of Ireland, undoubtedly causing additional bad feeling towards the English.

Still today people march to celebrate The Orange Order, which came about after James II was thrown out of England in 160's and fled to Ireland where he rose an army to attack the Protestants in Londonderry, but the new king William of Orange defeated James at the Battle of the Boyne. The Orange Order marches are a constant reminder of the division between the Roman Catholics and the British.

Another reason to cause problems in Northern Ireland was the Act of Union, this meant that Ireland's parliament was closed and England had control over Irelands law, which were passed in Westminster in London. For example there were certain restrictions on the jobs that Roman Catholic could do under English rule.

The great famine of 1846 was to cause even more bitterness, after England failed to organize sufficient help to the starving. The Irish had had enough after this period of time two movements emerged one wanted Ireland to become a republic completely separate from Britain and the other was formed seeking Northern Ireland being a part of Britain. The Irish had independence from the UK, they had there own political party and terrorist group and were willing to take there lives for it. The British government did, after the war give some independence, but not enough and civil war broke out, ending with a partition.

From my research of the history of Ireland, there seem to be many reasons for the British troops to be sent in to Northern Ireland in 16, with the immediatecauses being riots, where by there was no control over, but as we have found the trouble had started well before this time, with the plantations of Protestants, The Battle of the Boyne and the start of this conflict since 1th century with Henry II invading Ireland. The hatred between the two neighboring countries was built up over the centuries into the conflict of the present day. K4Ib5 from K4Ib5 essay K4Ib5 bank

Please note that this sample paper on Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969 is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Why were British troops sent to Northern Ireland in 1969 will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, June 26, 2020

Intensive and nonintensive

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on intensive and nonintensive. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality intensive and nonintensive paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in intensive and nonintensive, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your intensive and nonintensive paper at affordable prices!

Intensive and non-intensive classthis seems to be the current favorite debating topic of students and teachers alike. I don't think that a day passes without someone mentioning something about the intensive class, and yes, I am getting tired of talking about it. SO why the heck am I writing this piece?

Let's travel a little back in time. When students first learned about the intensive class thing, most of them complained. Everyone referred to it as the "star sections" even if the school insisted in calling it the "intensive classes". Fast forward to the present time. Four months after the opening of classes and nothing's changed. Students still complain about the ten percent incentive the intensive classes are getting and the perks they are given. These complaints include getting photocopied test papers/handouts in Geometry and Chemistry instead of mimeographed ones, the "better" quality of education the intensive classes are getting while paying for the same amount of tuition fee as the non-intensive students do and the way teachers tend to "favor" the intensive classes. I will try to tackle each issue as objectively as I can because I want the non-intensive students to understand what we are going through too.

Issue # 1 Photocopied test papers instead of mimeographed ones.

According to our teachers, the mimeograph is used for copying in large quantities, ie. for the test papers in the regular classes and circulars for the entire school. In an intensive class, the number of students does not even reach thirty. Therefore, it would be quite impossible to use the mimeograph to print our test papers and the only alternative is to use the Xerox machines instead.

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Issue #Getting a "better" quality of education while paying for the same amount of tuition fee as the non-intensive students do.

We did not ask to be put in an intensive class in the first place. We did not ask to have advance classes in both Science and Math. It was the school's decision. Yes, it might be a bit unfair for us to cover more topics than a regular class would but I don't think that there would be a need for the intensive students to pay a higher amount of tuition fee. Not all the students belonging in the intensive classes are well off. Not all of them can afford to pay a higher tuition fee. If the school shall increase the tuition fee, they might lose the opportunity to further hone their skills in Math and in Science. It would be a pity for them to lose the chance to enhance their knowledge just because they could not afford to.

Issue #The teachers tend to "favor" the intensive classes.

This is so not true, and even if it is, we do not ask the teachers to "favor" us. Students tend to have this misconception that if you're in the intensive class, you're this goody-two-shoes-type that will freak out over the slightest hint of mischief. What they fail to realize is that we do get our share of reprimands too. In fact, the pressure for us to behave properly is even greater because we belong to the intensive class. Teachers sometimes tell us that we are too quiet and we need to socialize a bit, then the next thing we know, teachers are complaining that we are becoming too noisy. Go figure!

I've heard that some teachers tell the non-intensive classes some things like "Why can't you be like the intensive class?" or " The intensive class doesn't give me troubles like you do." Believe it or not, we are not happy when teachers do this because this tends to create tension between the non-intensive students and the intensive class. Besides, no one feels good when compared with someone else. Comparing will only make the regular classes feel bad and make the intensive class feel uncomfortable.

The pressure on the intensive classes is…intense. Teachers and students alike tend to expect a lot from ushigh grades and honors, class awards and trophies, socialization and exemplary behavior. Because of this, other students think that we are purposefully hogging the spotlight, but in fact, we aren't. These expectations and being in the intensive class is a packaged deal. We did not ask for these things; they were handed to us and there is no way for us to decline them. Being in the intensive class is not easy. We need to prove ourselves to the whole school that we can live up to their expectations. We need to show everybody that we can win in contests not because we are the teachers' favorite but because we deserved it. Most of all, we need to let people understand that the intensive class is not arrogant, selfish and detached; we still belong to our respective batches. I hope that whatever negative notions people have regarding the intensive classes will be changed. I hope that we can put all of this behind us and just move on together because what we need most is unity and that can't be achieved when we are obsessed with this intensive and non-intensive thing. In the end, it comes down to

Please note that this sample paper on intensive and nonintensive is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on intensive and nonintensive, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on intensive and nonintensive will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

If you order your cheap custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee paper at affordable prices!

Many things in life can be compared, the color of one thing to another, a piece of art to an alternative, or a novel to a song.An example of a novel that can be compared to three different songs is To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee.The songs that it can be compared to are "Leave", by the Barenaked Ladies, "Pleasure and Pain", by Ben Harper, and "Give Peace A Chance", by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.

The song "Leave" by the Barenaked ladies, and the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, can be related.The song "Leave" is about a man who would like another to leave him, but that person will not leave.They stay in his life, against his wishes, and make him uncomfortable, and unhappy.The novel To Kill a Mockingbird tells the story of a black man, Tom Robinson, who is wrongly accused of assault on a young lady.The people of the town want him to be found guilty in court, and to leave his home to go to prison.The man who is defending Tom Robinson gives a good fight, and proves that he should not have to leave, but because of a biased jury, he is found guilty.In this novel the son is sure that the black man will be found innocent, but he is only to find out that he is wrong.His father tells him that it is hard to find a jury that is not biased, for juries are only white males, and in this case, a black man was up against a white male jury. (Chapter .) The song and the novel tell the story of people who would like another to leave.In "Leave" the person did not end up leaving, but the man in To Kill a Mockingbird left, although he left against his will.Personally, I think that one should only leave if they want to, but because someone else wants them to, but then again, if they do not leave when the person asks, their life may be made much harder.

Another song which can be compared to the novel, is "Pleasure and Pain", by Ben Harper.This song tells the story of a man who has experienced both pain and pleasure in his life.He wonders how the world can be so cruel, while at the same time the world can have so many things which can make one have happiness.To Kill a Mockingbird shows the life of a young girl, Scout, and what goes on in her life each day.One sees her having fun one day, while on the next, she has to see how cruel the world can be, when a man is wrongly punished for a crime which he did not commit. Throughout the beginning of the novel, one sees Scout playing games with her older brother, and another boy.As the story progresses, she begins to lose her happiness while playing games, and she experiences pain.At school one day a boy in her class had said out loud, "Finch's daddy defended niggers".Scout was offended by this, for in their time whites were not meant to be friends with blacks.The novel and song can be related in the way that they both talk about someone who lives their life with both pleasure and pain. It may seem like a perfect life for them one day, but the next day they may feel like the world is a horrible place, and nothing can ever be right with it.

One last song which can be compared, is "Give Peace A Chance", by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.The novel talks about a family, the Finch's, who wonder why there isn't peace in the world.They think that there is no reason why people can't get along.They wonder why blacks and whites don't get along, for the only difference between them is the color of their skin.They are all human. In the novel a young boy asks his father, "How could they do it, how could they?" (Pg. 15)He is referring to the jury, and how they found the black man guilty, although he was not.He does not understand why people do not like others, just because they are a different color.The song "Give Peace a Chance" talks about people who have helped obtain peace somewhere, things which have helped obtain peace, and it also asks for people to give peace a chance.The song is similar to To Kill a Mockingbird, because it also talks about peace, and how people have tried to get it.

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There are many other things in which you can relate to To Kill a Mockingbird, and there are also many other songs.These three songs, "Leave", "Pleasure and Pain", and "Give Peace a Chance", are, in my opinion, the three best songs which relate to To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee.Also, in my opinion, they are songs which help show one that the world is not perfect, there is not world peace, and they help people see that they should help out.

Please note that this sample paper on Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, we are here to assist you.Your cheap college paperson Three Songs and Their Relationship to the Novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Barn Burning

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Barn Burning

In this, another story written by William Faulkner in 1, he uses a great deal of language to paint a

vivid picture oflife in the mythical county ofYoknapataupha, Mississippi.This story is recounted from

The memories of a man named Colonel Sartoris Snopes (named after Colonel Sartoris whom his father

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served in the Civil War).

His father was obviously a man of little or no education who had developed an attitude in life of serving

himself and no one else.He, at any perceived or real injustice always took matters into his own hands.The

story begins with him on trial for burning a neighbors barn after sending a black man over for his hog and

actually warning the man that hay and wood burn.Shortly thereafter the neighbors barn burned and the

story opens in acourt of the Justice of the Peace.The then young boy is remembering all this and the

details of the court room which was actually a storeroom in a grocery apparently based on the tin goods

stored in the room.The man whose barn was burned asks that the boy testify and the judge is incredulous

as this was not proper decorum in that time.Finally, the man relents and says the boy does not have to

testify and the case is dismissed due to lack of witnesses.Interestingly, the boy says he would have had to

tell the truth had he been forced to testify even though he has a very real fear of his father.Later, the father

actually hits the boy who had defended the family honor by fighting someone in the crowd calling them

barn burners.The reason being that the father knows the boy would have testified and he tells him that they

have to stand together against the world.This is obviously a common occurrence in the young mans life and always ends up the same, they are told to move on and never come back.They all gather in their wagon and leave, by all, this means the wife, her twin sister, hissisters, and his older brother.They all are afraid of the father and dare not question him or his authority.

The central theme of the story culminates after this last move when they move onto property owned by aMajor De Spain and take up residence in a tenant farm house belonging to the major.The boy and the father ride over to the majors house which is larger than anything the boy had seen in his life and just looks as the boy says big as a courthouse.As they approach the door the father steps (deliberately it would appear) in a large pile of horse droppings in the drive.The black man at the door tells the father to wipe his feet before coming in and also announces that the moor is not home at the moment anyhow, but the father derides him and enters the home anyway leaving quite a path on the rug which turns out later to have come from France at a great cost.

When the major returns home and discovers the condition of the carpet he rolls it up and takes it to the Snopes residence where he instructs the father to clean it and return it as it was.The father makes the boys two sisters clean the rugand then returns it to the major.The major tells Mr. Snopes that he will have to pay twenty bushels out of his labor to pay for the rug.Mr. Snopes (in a twist of irony) takes the major to court to havehis edict of payment overturned.Mr. Snopes thinking that washing it would be sufficient finds out that it is not as he cannot attest to the fact that the rug looks as it did before is was stained.The judge shows some leniency reducing the payment to ten bushels of corn and five dollars.

The father is not happy with this and decides once again toburn the majors barn as he orders his son to get the kerosene against his wife's wishes who says at least send a black man again like you did before.The young boy who by now has decided in his heart that this cannot go on (a fact that has not passed the fathers attention either) is restrained by his mother even though the father wants to physically tie him to his bed so he can't warn the major. The father by now has headedtowards the majors house.

The boy does in fact break away from his mother and heads for the majors house on foot, arriving there he warns the household about their barn and then runs out the door not knowing where he is headed.Presently, the major rides by him on his horse and somewhere up ahead the boy hears a shot and then two more.He knows without seeing that his father had died and is torn between love and righteousness and feels sorrow for his father but knows in his heart that his own life will now be better. He spends the night in the woods and the next morning gets upand starts to walk away.

While the story never gives his age other than the fact that he is reminiscing about all this twenty years after it took place it would appear that he was around seven or eight years old when all this transpired based on the chores he had to do at the time.

This is a sad story of a young mans life that is redeemed by the fact that deep inside, this young man knew what was right and wrong anddoes what has to be done in the end as his conscious would not allow him to continue with his fathers ways.Had it turned out differently I would have fond it to be sadder than it already was.

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