
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Story of Creation?

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Story of Creation?. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Story of Creation? paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Story of Creation?, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Story of Creation? paper at affordable prices!

In the time before age, god existed without creation or origin. He existed and created the universe in one day. For ten millenniums he laid way thinking about what to do with his vast universe. He decided to create humans on ten planets of the universe. He would create villages for these humans to live in and would appoint leaders for each of the villages. He would create angels too carry messages to the leaders. It was said that angels had the knowledge and some of the powers of God, so they would have the power to bless the people of the ten planets. The humans and the angels lived peacefully under the rule of God for millions of years. Until one day when two angels named Jason and Freddy began to wonder the limits of God’s powers, how far they go, and can they be defeated? Freddy and Jason formed an agreement between each other secretly to overthrow God. Over the course of the years, they attracted angels willing to die for the cause. They decided that if they were ever going to defeat God, they would need to do so through the humans. They began to persuade humans that angels had the powers of God himself, and to end your life here on the ten planets would mean eternal life in heaven. One after one, people began to â€take the leap into heaven. God became angry and confused as to why they would do this. He began to weep for thousands of years has they continued to leap into heaven. Freddy and Jason became more powerful with every soul that converted and made the leap into heaven. They decided if there were going to strike the time was now. Jason approached God as to try to defeat him. Freddy betrayed Jason and began to fly towards Jason as to coming to God’s rescue. He defeated Jason and helped God take away his wings. Jason remained locked up for ten thousand years. Instead of destroying Jason’s wings, Freddy kept the wings and attached them to himself. It suddenly became obvious that Freddy’s purpose from the beginning was to trick Jason and use him to gain God’s trust. Freddy knew that Jason mind and vision was blinded by his thirst for power so he would be easily persuaded. He also knew that after seeing how Freddy came to his rescue would entrust him to talkto the people of the ten planets. Freddy also knew that with God, trust meant more power. He told the humans to stop leaping into heaven. He then took away all the wings of his followers. He had tricked them. With every new power Freddy gained his mind became more evil and power hungry. He convinced God that the angels were planning a rebellion against God. He convinced him that he would need more power to defeat them. God raised his hand and put upon Freddy great power. Freddy felt invincible with his newly granted power. He used this new power with great control and easily took the wings of any angels he wished. Suddenly, the angels began to look to Freddy as if he were God himself. Freddy convinced God that the angels souls were mistreating there power and using it to go to the ten planets and abuse the people there. He convinced god that he would need more power to stop them in their human form. He would need the power to judge souls. This job was God’s alone but God trusted Freddy with all his heart, so with his mighty hand he put the power onto Freddy. Freddy used this power to tell the difference between humans and angels. He took the wings of all the angels, and with that he gained more power. He then created a place where these evil souls could be punished. He called this place â€Hector yapok node roughly translated â€the place of lost souls or Hell. For being sent to This place meant no return. Freddy convinced God that the humans were being possessed by the souls of Hell. And with this god gave Freddy power that would be only a few short marks behind God himself. With this Freddy’s mind became one sided and not strategic. He attacked God with all his might. God began to weep with great pain. Freddy thought that victory was near but he was wrong. God was not crying off of pain of the attack but from the pain of lost. He sent Freddy to Hell. God let him keep the power to punish the souls that come and as a reminder that he will always be second to the all powerful and mighty, Lord God.

Please note that this sample paper on The Story of Creation? is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Story of Creation?, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on The Story of Creation? will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, August 24, 2020

A Freedom Worth Dying For

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Freedom Worth Dying For. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Freedom Worth Dying For paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Freedom Worth Dying For, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Freedom Worth Dying For paper at affordable prices!

The stars above shone upon me with their silent accusations as I slipped soundlessly into the window. It had taken me months to access the codes to allow me such undetected entry into the most highly guarded building in the world. I walked toward the inner door and paused, only for a second, before I marched to my fate. There was no turning back now. I looked about the room full of the venomous machines smugly humming their deathly tune, and I laughed, for tonight I would see their end and mine as well. The government would no longer use these life-sucking beasts to manipulate our minds.

The possession of opinions and the privacy of thought are the most fundamental of all human rights. Every man, no matter how simple, has thoughts and opinions in some form. Every opinion held by every person comes from a unique experience and should be respected, regardless of personal belief.

Despite the countless battles that have resulted due to differences in these thoughts and opinions, no man has the right to strip another of these privileges. Throughout history there have been countless holy wars fought because of religious differences, but none have conclusively chosen one correct system of beliefs. No government is justified in controlling these most basic rights, no matter how noble their intentions. Although it is true that all wars could be avoided if everyone held the same views, no one is faultless, hence, no leader is capable of deciding which outlook is truly correct. As promising as the idea of communism is, it cannot be successfully executed by human leaders; this was proven with the rise of Stalinism and other perversions of Marx's idea. Machines are made by the hands of man, and are equally incapable of deciding the true correct perspective. Therefore, any machine produced by a government is not suitable in regulating the thoughts of individuals.

I believe that life is dull without diversity. Living would be tedious if everyone thought and acted the same way. There would never be any surprises. Every action and its result would be predicted before it occurred. People know themselves very well; they understand how they will react to any given situation. In a society with identical thought patterns every response to a situation would be expected by all of it members because they know that is the way they would behave in that circumstance.

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Individuality of belief is what makes mankind unique. Of the species of Earth, humans are the only ones capable of complex thought. Others think of the same basic things, food and shelter. Humans, however, think beyond these basic principles and form within themselves ideas and opinions. I would not trade an eternity of peace for a world of mass produced drones; the world would lack the one thing that makes it beautiful, art. Art is not paintings or sculpture. Art is an expression of private and intense original emotions that cannot be taught, but must be found within the soul. If individualists were nonexistent, there would be no one able to convey their emotions to others in physical forms, such as music, poetry, and painting. In a dreary orb void of any splendor of this sort there would be no reason to breathe.

If ever there came a time when the sanctuary of the mind was invaded and my life could be sacrificed to end that tragedy, I would gladly give it. My life is insignificant compared to the freedoms of the citizens of our diverse world. And I will eternally strive for them to keep that diversity.

I sat down at the main controls and began to methodically enter the numbers that would disable all of the control devices implanted in millions of brains. As I entered the finial digit I celebrated the demise of the parasites that had long fed on the thoughts and dreams of the American people. My festivities were interrupted by the squawking of an alarm somewhere in the building and the sound of feet stampeding toward me. I began to input the self-destruct code into the monster, stopping before the last digit. As the guards rushed into the room I screamed, "Today with my insignificant life, I liberate the thoughts of my nation!" I entered the last figure and smiled at the look of terror in their eyes as the room burst into a thousand fiery pieces around them.

Please note that this sample paper on A Freedom Worth Dying For is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Freedom Worth Dying For, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on A Freedom Worth Dying For will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama paper at affordable prices!

The fact that many of Shakespeare's scripts lacked formal character direction or advice on dressing allows for different interpretations to be performed without the violation of the original dialogue. This has made it possible to create a contemporary production of King Lear which a modern audience of all ages can relate to.

During the Elizabethan age and until recently, the family hierarchy composed ofthe male authority figure or head of the family, the housewife and the children, who were expected to be chaste, silent, and obedient. Today however, we see the breakdown of the traditional family, and the changing roles which family members play to compensate for this. Shakespeare addresses these issues throughout the play, and this is the reason that this production will portray King Lear as a family drama, not simply a royal tragedy.

The characters of Gonerill and Regan reflect the rights which children have (by law) in today's western world, and the increasing freedom they are continually obtaining.

In act two scene four, Regan and Gonerill's power and dominance over Lear becomes apparent, and the heated argument between the three over lears' refusal to remain at gonerills house clearly resembles a domestic dispute rather than a civilised discussion between royalty.

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"informed them?! Dost thou understand me man?"

Lears inability to accept the fact that he no longer can exercise his authority over his daughters contributes immensely to his descent into madness. This also reflects the reversal of power in the family, and parallels the changing of today'sfamily structures.

In order to emphasise the relevance of King Lear in today's society the production will be set in contemporary England. The characters will remain royal although to emphasise the aspect of a family drama, the production will contain minimal props suggesting a monarchy, as this is sufficiently expressed in the dialogue. To show the role reversal within the family, costume is extremely important.. Both Gonerill and Regan are subversive figures and will speak to Lear primarily in a patronising manner, so in order to portray this whilst maintaining the original dialogue, both daughters will be dressed conservatively and business-like, to show their constant pursuit for power over Lear. This will be portrayed through "power suits" with pants to show their emasculation of Lear, stilettos to enhance their height over Him, along with excessive amounts of jewellery to symbolise their superficial attitudes.

Lears' character will express through costume his loss of power, incoherency, and his confusion by wearing clashing colours, and casual clothing.

The production will take advantage of today's technologyby keeping props minimal on stage, and by projecting images on the back wall of the stage to show the location of the characters. This will utilise stage space, increase the characters mobility, and decreases the set up time between scenes. In sceneact 4 the projection will show the inside of Regan's house which will be fairly modern looking, and two windows to show the storm brewing outside. This lets the audience see the storm rather than creating to much noise which could detract from the dialogue.

Regan's stage position is downstage right during the monologue I will be performing, Lear being down stage centre. Gloucestor and Cornwall will both be upstage during this time.

You nimble lightnings, dart your blinding flame into her Scornful eyes. Infect her beauty,

You fen-sucked fogs, drawn by the powerful sun

To fall and blister.

O, the blessed gods,

So will you wish on me when the rash mood is on.

No, Regan, thou shalt never have my curse.

Thy tender-hefted nature shall not give thee o'er to harshness.

Her eyes are fierce, but thine do comfort and do not burn.

Tis not in the to grudge my pleasures, to cut off my train,

To bandy hasty words, to scant my sizes,

And in conclusion, to oppose the bolt against my coming in.

Though better know'st the offices of nature, bond of childhood,

Effects of courtesy, dues of gratitude.

Thy half o'th'kingdom thou hast not forgot wherein I thee Endowed.

Please note that this sample paper on Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Modern interpretation of King Lear: Family drama will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Great Gatsby

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Great Gatsby. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Great Gatsby paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Great Gatsby, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Great Gatsby paper at affordable prices!

Throughout the novel, The Great Gatsby, author Francis Scott Fitzgerald sculpts each character to portray the themes of materialism versus idealism that were so prominent during the 10's, the time period in which the novel takes place.Out of Fitzgerald's close examination into the lives of the major characters, Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Jordan Baker, and Daisy and Tom Buchanan, develops the final theme of materialism corrupting American idealism.The latter of these characters, Tom Buchanan, exemplifies how materialism distorts morality and values, but at the same time is all a person needs to succeed in the world of the 10's.

Residing in East Egg, with his wife Daisy and daughter Pammy , Tomis a member of the established rich class.Their Georgian Colonial mansion distinctly represents their established wealth.He shows his pride and arrogance towards his wealth as he tells Nick, I've got a nice place here (7).Ironically, these are the first words that Tom utters in the novel. His residence is significant later in the book as Daisy becomes involved with Gatsby, a member of the newly rich.

Tom is first introduced into the novel when narrator, Nick, visits the house for a dinner party.Nick is the distant cousin of Daisy, and an old college acquaintance of Tom.Fitzgerald first describes Tom by stating his dominance and brutality, It was a body capable of enormous leverage - a cruel body (7) .Fitzgerald also portrays Tom's overbearing attitude through his secondhanded scientific knowledge.Tom states, It's up to us, who are the dominant race, to watch out or those other races will have control of things (1).Tom, along with a majority of upper class American citizens at that time believed in theories, such as Darwinism, about maintaining their status quo.They feared that the lower class would rise to overthrow them.Ironically, this is exactly what happened later in the novel when Gatsby threatens to take away Daisy.

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The first chapter of the book also introduces the fact that Tom has a mistress.But the need for a mistress does not evolve out of true love for her or the lack there of from Daisy.His mistress, Myrtle, is nothing more than another possession kept for his own gratification.His dominant ways and brutality is beheld in their relationship.When Myrtle engaged in taunting Tom by chanting, Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!, he, Making a short deft movement,.....broke her nose with his open hand (7).Yet, this act of violence was more a sign of his strength and superiority, opposed to defense of his wife's honor. He is not even secretive about the women.In fact, Tom keeps his relationship quite open with his acquaintances.He tells Nick, We're getting off, I want you to meet my girl (4).

The relationship between Tom and Daisy is empty and void.They are held together by Daisy's need for wealth and Tom's need for possessions.But as the novel progresses a conflict arises when Daisy's long lost love, Jay Gatsby, comes back into her life.Tom comes in contact with Gatsby at one of Gatsby's infamous parties.Tom is threatened by Daisy's adoration for Gatsby and, although Gatsby treats him with the utmost hospitality, Tom attempts to socially insult him.Who is this Gatsby anyhow?Some big bootlegger? (10)

Tensions between the two do not escalate until they are on neutral ground of a hotel suite.Up to this point in the novel Tom has not so much cared for the actions of his wife.What angers Tom the most is that Gatsby, a man a of new money, an idealist, a man lower in class, is stealing the heart of his wife, his possession.When Daisy professes her love for Gatsby Tom looks at her, as if he had just recognized her as some one he knew a long time ago (11).But in the end Daisy's voice full of money chooses stability and status quo over love.

The second major blow to Tom came when his mistress was killed after she was hit by Gatsby's car.But little did Tom know that Daisy was the driver at the time.Both the threat of losing his wife and the loss his mistress as a result of Gatsby left Tom outraged.Under the influence of Tom, Myrtle's husband, Wilson, shot and killed Gatsby.

In the end of this tragic Fitzgerald leaves the reader with the corruptive effect of wealth.But at the same time the immoral, egotistical Tom ends the novel with everything he had at the beginning, except for Myrtle.It only shows that in society of the 10's neither idealism or integrity can measure up to the value of materialism.

Please note that this sample paper on The Great Gatsby is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Great Gatsby, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on The Great Gatsby will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, August 17, 2020

Restriction of civil liberties 1776

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on restriction of civil liberties 1776. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality restriction of civil liberties 1776 paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in restriction of civil liberties 1776, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your restriction of civil liberties 1776 paper at affordable prices!

The colonization of the American continent, took quiet a while to realize for the inhabitants that they could or were better off without the British monarchy.The colonists didn't realize that immediately, it took them lots of years of British oppression to cause the colonists to rebel.The primary reasons that promoted Americans to rebel in 1776 were economic restrictions and the parliamentary taxation. Also there were other contributing factors which were the restrictions of civil liberties and British military measures.

The main factor that caused the colonists to rebel was the economic restrictions. The famous one was the Navigation Laws, this began in 1650, and this law meant that colonies could not trade with other countries. Also this kept the money within the Empire, and none of the banks existed in any of the colonies. Another economic restriction was the mercantilism. Mercantilism is one of the reasons that the colonies are there to benefit the mother country. Also mercantilism had some positives and negatives. Some of the positives that were in the colonies were that the colonies helped the British navy; also they can get around some of the laws that England set up for them. Also in the beginning they would get some raw material and then they made their own markets, they can also get good price for the supplies can export more then import.

Some of the negatives that colonies had were that the colonies had to grow more products and were forced to sell their tobacco in England. Finally a lot of people felt that the colonies were being used and colonies were to be kept in a state of perpetual economic adolescence. They were also dependent on the British.

Another primary reason that promoted American to rebel was the parliamentary taxation. The colonists were taxed heavily from the beginning, and one of these taxes was the Sugar Act, which was in 1764. This act increased the taxation importing sugar from West Indies to England. Then in 1765 the Stamp Act came, this tax was on paper products. The purpose for this tax was to raise money for the military; it affected all classes of people, which meant that a lot of people were involved, which became a major express. Also another tax act passed was the Townsend Tea Tax.This act passed in the year of 1767. the Townsend was a man who was able to deliver brilliantspeeches, he could say them even while he was drunk. For the restless colonials, this was the distinction which is without a difference, and also for them the real difficulty still remained in taxes in any form.

One of the contributing factors was the restriction of civil liberties.One of the civil liberties was the Declaration Act; this act was passed in 1766.This act proclaimed that the parliament could bind the colonies in almost all of the cases.This act was a feeble victory for the England's authority, but for the colonists it had proved that London government now could be yield to boycotts and also to mob action.Another act was the Intolerance Act, which was passed in 1774.By this act many of the chartered rights were swept away of the colonial Massachusetts.Also they restricted the town meetings.They were enforcing officials who killed the colonials were sent to the trial of England.

The last factor that led Americans to rebel was the military measures.One of those measures was the Boston Massacre, which happened in the year of 1770.In this course of violent act, three of the colonies were killed this event wasn't planned.Some crowd of sixty townspeople acted apparently without any orders but under extreme provocation.The troops opened the fire and killed or wounded eleven of the "innocent" citizens.This massacre further in famed the colonials against British.Also, another war that happened from April 1775 to July 1776 was the Bunker Hill and Hessian Hirelings.The Americans were emphatically affirming their loyalty to King, but on the other hand they raised the armies to shoot down his Majesty's soldiers, but in America, they remained to become respected citizens.This war took place in Boston Massachusetts.

In the American continent of the colonization, the reason that the Americans rebelled in the year of 1776 was the economic restrictions and the parliamentary taxation.Other factors that made Americans rebel were restriction of civil liberties and British military measures.

Please note that this sample paper on restriction of civil liberties 1776 is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on restriction of civil liberties 1776, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on restriction of civil liberties 1776 will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, August 14, 2020

Self esteem

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on self esteem. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality self esteem paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in self esteem, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your self esteem paper at affordable prices!

Self-esteem is a combination of psychological factors that can include confidence, assertiveness, self-respect, strong bonds to and/or the respect of other people. Sometimes it includes conceit, arrogance and an attitude of superiority.But what does gender have to do with self-esteem? Gender, whether you are male or female, is a biological circumstance. However, when it comes to self-esteem, not only the biological but the sociological aspects are important. Males, however, tend to have higher self-esteem than women due to the emphasis placed on a women's appearance by society (Cooke 1).

Appearance can raise or lower a persons self-esteem. Many societies will place a relative value and thus position in society on how people look. For example, in medieval Europe and ancient China laws dictated what clothing styles and materials people could wear according to their social class (Tafinger). Today, clothing, hairstyles, weight, facial features, etc., are elements in many peoples self-esteem. Sometimes people will even go into debt to have plastic surgery done on their faces and bodies to fit better the ideal that they think society deems of value. For example, in America the ideal appearance of a woman is to be physically fit, stylish, and apparently young.

Until the 170's a woman's life was to get married and have children. She was happy and comfortable with this way of life; she did not worry about appearance. However, as women began to work they competed for acceptance and respectand appearance counted.Since those times the number of women unhappy with their appearance has drastically increased, while the number of men has stayed virtually the same according to the study done by Alan Feingold, PhD. (Billie and Chatterjee).

Dr. Emily Hancock, a psychologist in Berkeley California has discovered through various studies that self-esteem in girls peaked at the age of , and then began to plummet. She found out that girls tend to lose their strength, independence, and spirit and become wrapped up with the issue of how they look. As a result of this she believes they fall into depression, have eating disorders and severely abuse drugs.

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The Commonwealth Fund survey in 17 of ,586 girls and ,16 boys grades 5 to 1 revealed that by high school age, onlypercent of girls were highly self confident and that older girls had less self-esteem than the younger ones. "In contrast," the fund reported, "older boys were more likely to be highly self confident than younger boys, with more than half of all boys in high school indicating high self-esteem… One quarter (1/4) of the older girls said they did not like themselves, but only fourteen (14) percent of the boys had said they felt that way."

"Girls and young women tend to be more critical of themselves although opportunities for them have never been greater than they are today in the United States"(Brody "Parents").Schools and society- mass medias especially- have been blamed for the decline of self-esteem and rise in health damaging behavior among teen age girls by focusing their attention on superficial issues like make up, hair, clothing and weight,

"The planet of Melrose Place, or the fake world of magazines, television and movies only make up an estimated 5 percent of the world" (Brody "Puberty").The national craze with perfect bodies and the idea that bodies are perfectible heightens the pressure on teenagers and complicates adjustment to their own bodies. The fitness obsession can aggravate adolescent self-consciousness and tends to make teenage girls awfully unhappy.

For many people achieving what is good appearance is self-satisfying. Again people tend to base the decision on what to do and what looks good on a comparison with other people in society. "Self-esteem is to a large extent cultural rather than a biological factor in human behavior… None the less people need self-esteem it gives the sense of self worth and determination to find life worth living" (Taflinger).

Works Cited

Cooke, Kaz. Real Gorgeous The truth about Body & Beauty. New YorkW.W. Norton, 16.

Brody, Jane E. "Parents Can Bolster Girls Fragile Self-Esteem." New York Times 11 Nov. 17 F7.

_____,_____ "Girls and Puberty the crisis Years." New York Times4 Nov. 17F.

Billie, Katherine, and Camille Chatterjee. "The New Gender Gap." Psychology Today 5(18) .

Taflinger, Richard F. PhD. "Me myself and I Self- Esteem and Advertising." May 16.

http//www.wsu.edu8080/~taflinge/esteem.html (8 May 000)

Please note that this sample paper on self esteem is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on self esteem, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research paperson self esteem will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Sugar Tricks

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Sugar Tricks. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Sugar Tricks paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Sugar Tricks, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Sugar Tricks paper at affordable prices!

Sugar tricks

How much sugar have you consumed today? You would probably answer ¡§one or two pieces of candy', and if you also count the sugar in your coffee or the bottle of Pepsi you just drunk, congratulations --- you are on the right track, but there is still a long way to go. It's true that sugar is present naturally in every food, yet most of it enters our bodies as refined sugar, which is added artificially. According to the reports released by U.S. Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, Americans consume a hundred pounds of refined sugar each year, on average. Though basically, sugar is not a harmful substance, but over-consumption causes tooth decay and obesity, and increases the risk of getting diabetes. As a form of carbohydrates, sugar supplies 11 calories per ounce (or four per gram), but is completely lacking in vitamins, minerals and other nutritive substances.

How can we consume so much sugar without even notice it? It's simply because most of it are present in forms that we are not aware of. Basically we consume sugar from these four different categories of food junk fluid, sugar-loading breakfast, dessert and straight sugar.

Junk fluids --- soft drinks and sodas --- contribute a quarter of our sugar intake from processed food. It's even more significant in children over forty-four percent of refined sugar comes from this ¡§liquid candy' for kids. This has not yet included those ¡§fruit juices' that are actually low in real fruit juice (probably just ten percent or even lower) but high in sugar content. Liquid sugar is powerful in the sense that we need to drink a lot of fluid everyday, and sugar easily enters our bodies in large quantities without us being aware of it.

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Then come breakfast cereals and baked goods. They load our breakfast with tons of sugar --- this is not even unaware, but unknown to many people. More than half of the calories of cereals, muffins, cookies and donuts may come from sugar; even those healthful-sounding granola cereals may have more than fifteen percent sugar content. Commercial-scale cookie baking adds much more sugar to its products than it would otherwise be. It gives us various favors and choices, and at the same time, sugar. Cookies with a creamy, waffle-like layer in between are especially dangerous; there are seven grams of sugar in a single piece of Oreos. Real the label --- the ingredient that comes first is most abundant in the product. Don't forget that sweeteners like corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup are also sugar.

Our ¡§sweet tooth' after meals makes us fall into the trap of sugar again. Desserts like ice-cream, pies, cheesecakes and even ¡§healthy' yogurts are loaded with sugar. In fact, sugar is one of the ¡§all natural' ingredients that many ice-cream manufactures boast about nowadays. But then isn't it yogurt is a very good choice for dessert? Well, it is true that low-fat yogurt has much fewer calories and more nutritive factors than conventional desserts, but it's still high in sugar content; in fact, more than half of the calories are provided by sugar in yogurts. This is especially significant in yogurt drinks, which may contain as many as almost fifty grams of sugar in a 5ml-bottle, which is more than ten teaspoons!

Concentrated with sugar but with no other nutritive value, candy, undoubtedly, is the king of junk food. Chocolate bars also belong to this category. Unlike many European dark chocolates in which cocoa may be the first ingredient, local brands of chocolates like Hershey's or Nestle Crunch are loaded with sugar. There can be as much as forty grams of sugar in one single chocolate bar. However, there is at least one good thing about candies and chocolates --- unlike cereals or ¡§fruit juices', they never try to hide the fact that they are junk food --- you know very well that you are eating tons of sugar when you indulge in them.

Eating is an enjoyment, and there is nothing wrong with our fondness for sweet things. Yet, we ought to know how much sugar we are consuming on foods that do not seem to contain much of it, and the consequences of over-indulgence in sugar.


1. There are 41g of sugar in a can of Pepsi cola.

. There are 8g of sugar in a 6oz bottle of Yoplait Custard style yogurt, which supplies

11 calories out of its 10 total calories.

. There are 46g of sugar in a 5ml-bottle of Yoplait yogurt drink.

4. By standard measurement, a teaspoonful of sugar is 4g.

5. There are 40g of sugar in a Musketeer chocolate bar.

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