
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Lord of The Rings Part 1

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Lord of The Rings Part 1. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Lord of The Rings Part 1 paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Lord of The Rings Part 1, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Lord of The Rings Part 1 paper at affordable prices!

The Lord of the Rings, is an Archetypal Myth, which includes a hero, dangerous journey into the land of evil comes to exist in the collective unconscious and becomes an addition to the way we organize our thinking about the universe and human life. The hero of the movie Frodo Baggins goes through heroic stages of his life. As a young boy he loses his innocence by realizing good versus evil, sacrifice for the sake of destiny, temptation of power and fortunate to have many teachers and friendship. The Lord of the Rings tells us the importance of being human through Frodo.

As the voyage is taking place Frodo a hobbit, a bread of people from the shire, short, harmless, unaware of evil and cheerful people is awakened in by an evil threat of the dark lord. The dark lord Sauron has gathering an army and is in search for his ring. As Bilbo announces his departure from the Shire, Frodo inherits the ring and accepts the ring without knowing the evil and the fate of the band. The loss of innocence begins when Gandalf the wizard, reveals the story of the ring, allowing Frodo to be aware of the elements of evil. Gandalf acknowledges Frodo to accept the consequences of accepting the ring as an act of fate. The cost of inexperience, is embarked throughout the movie, Frodo takes adventure out of the shire, becoming a leader of the Fellowship, accepting the quest of the ring bearer, taking the quest alone with his companion Sam to land of Mordor after the contravention of the fellowship and realizing the nature of good versus evil. He knows evil lurks the ring for the halo is created by greed, power, envy, darkness and disloyalty. On the other hand good is with him as a hobbit, and with him by his side through Gandalf the Wiseman, Aragorn's loyalty, the council of Elrond who accepted his proposal of quest and whispers and the gift from Earendill from the elves. Evil is portrayed in the movie has darkness, fire, seductive, power, animalism, killing of nature through ripping of the trees from its roots and greed. In contrast good is revealed as nature, pure, divine, moderate, culture and the gathering of different races to unite for one cause to destroy the ring.

Making countless sacrifices throughout the film Frodo displays by letting go of his home to save them and middle-earth from Sauron, the fellowship of the ring to finish the quest once they were breaking up and of dreams he once had to fulfill others. He once thought of being on an adventure with Bilbo but realized he had his own destiny that he freely accepted by becoming the ring-bearer during the council of Elrond. Knowing that if he cannot accomplish the task of destroying the ring in the midst of evil no one can for he was the appointed one.

The control of the ring has a will of it's own, evil. Before the ring was known to man there were many rings offered by Sauron to the middle-earth. Three rings were given to the elves, the dwarfs received seven and nine were given to the race of men above all which are known as the black riders but they were all deceived for another ring was created, "master ring" which ruled them all. The ring lures to people who envy power, the eye of Sauron awaits for you to put on the ring for he and his black riders can locate the ring and the possessor. When Frodo and the other hobbits, Sam, Merry and Pip begin there Journey out of the Shire they are found underneath a tree hiding from the black rider who brings and signifies pure evil. Frodo is tempted is tempted and feels the seductiveness of the ring but is surcease by his good friend Sam. The difference between Frodo and other ring bearers is that Frodo goes to the ring when he is scared and of using the power of not being seen to run and hide. The influence of the ring causes disloyalty between Frodo and Bilbo when Bilbo ask to try the ring one more time, confrontation between Frodo and Boromir because Boromir sees the power of the ring as the ultimate tool of triumph. Bilbo and Boromir are disobedient at times, which allows seductiveness of the ring to take their free will and cause evil to conquer within the soul.

Buy custom Lord of The Rings Part 1 term paper

Frodo has an opportunity during his quest to have the finest of teachers and friends. In the shire he has the inherits the ring from Bilbo and other items that save his life down in the journey the vest and a sword made by the elves, his friends who take the journey with him Pip and Merry who become decoys and are captured to give enough time for Frodo to escape and continue his journey, Sam who never leaves is sight and almost drowns to be by his side. He also receives knowledge and friendship from the wise Gandalf who encourages and shows trust in the hobbit

Please note that this sample paper on Lord of The Rings Part 1 is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Lord of The Rings Part 1, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on Lord of The Rings Part 1 will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Why Fireworks should be Legal

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Why Fireworks should be Legal. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Why Fireworks should be Legal paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Why Fireworks should be Legal, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Why Fireworks should be Legal paper at affordable prices !

In the City of Kennewick, it is illegal to possess or set off any fireworks. This does not include Pop-its or party poppers (the kind you pull the string on). I believe that fireworks should be made legal in Kennewick. Fireworks were made illegal because a firefighter once died going to a fire that was started by fireworks, because uninformed lawmakers believe that fireworks cause most fires, because some people are irresponsible and do not follow directions, and because some people alter fireworks which results in injury. While these claims are valid, they are few. The proper use of fireworks is an enjoyable pastime for many.

A firefighter died a few years ago in Kennewick while fighting a fire which was started by fireworks. He died because he was not following correct safety precautions. The firefighter was riding on the back of a fire engine which is not supposed to be done. The fire engine had a loose wheel, which was overlooked because someone did not do their job correctly. I have been in an Explorer post for firefighting, and I know that the firefighters are supposed to inspect their apparatus ( fire engines, ambulances, ect.) daily, and that fire engines are to be kept in proper repair. If the firefighters had been doing their job correctly, that firefighter would never have died from the truck rolling.

I will now address the issue of fireworks actually starting fires. Studies have shown that less that 1% of all fires in the United States are caused by fireworks. This small percentage of fires is caused by an even smaller percentage of fireworks users. The people who start these fires are not using them correctly. If fireworks are used as the directions state, and away from flammable material, they will not start fires.

Fireworks will not cause injuries if they are used correctly. The label on all fireworks states that they are not to be held in the hand, and that the user is to place them on the ground, light the fuse, and get away. If the user follows these instructions, and wears safety goggles, long clothes, sturdy shoes, and gloves, the chance of them being injured is quite small.

Sometimes people alter their fireworks to make them do more "impressive" things. These alterations are usually by smashing the firework with a hammer and then lighting it, or they may include any number of things such as disassembling the firework and loading multiple loads into a tube, etc. This is irresponsible and can result in personal injury.

My proposal is to make all fireworks legal in the state of Washington legal in Kennewick. To prevent people from using them irresponsibly, I recommend setting aside areas such as certain parks or hills that could be used as "safe zones" where fireworks could be set off safely. I also propose that certain regulations be passed on the use of them. These could include making it illegal to set them off when it is windy or making it illegal to set of certain aerial fireworks in residential areas. These laws should not limit what fireworks are to be sold, however. Fireworks that are legal in Washington should be legal in Kennewick and all cities and counties in Washington. ALL Class C Consumer fireworks are "safe and sane" when used as intended.

I am not condoning the use of homemade fireworks or altered fireworks in any way. I am simply stating that fireworks are works of art, and pyrotechnicians put much effort into their craft. Would we take away their jobs? Certainly not. Would someone take away ammonia nitrate fertilizers just because they are explosive? No. Why, then, should fireworks be illegal? There is no reason. People have been injured using just about everything improperly. Fireworks are no exception, but that is no reason to ban them. Cars have resulted in the deaths of countless people, but they are not illegal. It was a car that caused the Hanford Fire.

I feel that people should not have the privilege of making their own displays in their neighborhoods taken away because of a few people that misuse fireworks. Is it right to punish many because of the actions of a few? No. People go out and get inebriated and kill people in their cars, albeit accidentally, but no one would even think of making cars illegal. My question to all people is this Would you like one of your pastimes that you find enjoyable and relaxing made illegal because someone used the device you used improperly? I think not! Many people find fireworks a great way to celebrate and relive stress. Fire has an oddly hypnotic effect on many people. It is not easy to make a beautiful firework. They are indeed works of art, and can be preserved forever in photographs, and by making it legal to set them off.

Please note that this sample paper on Why Fireworks should be Legal is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Why Fireworks should be Legal, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Why Fireworks should be Legal will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Lord of the Flies, a brief summary

If you order your cheap term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Lord of the Flies, a brief summary. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Lord of the Flies, a brief summary paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Lord of the Flies, a brief summary, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Lord of the Flies, a brief summary paper at affordable prices!

The story takes place during World War II. A plane evacuating a group of English boys from a war in Britain was shot down over a deserted tropical island far away from the civilization. There werent any grown-up survivers so a group of boys were forced to manage on their own and try to survive.

Ralph first met Piggy, who became the logical one of the group, and they found a conch in a lagoon on the island. Then, when Ralph blew the conch, all the other boys came to him, and he was chosen as the leader. For a while they enjoyed this new freedom, nature and the world with no responsibilities but Ralph's aim was to form a society similar to the one they left behind and he established rules regarding the conduct of meetings, shelters and other important activities.A boy named Jack was the main opposition to Ralph, the leader of the choirboys, who also wanted to be the chief but no one voted for him. Ralph showed his diplomatic skills by making Jack responsible for hunting and maintaining the signal fire at the top of the island, using Piggy's glasses as a means of lighting it. However, many of the boys only wantedto play and on one occasion the signal fire was not watched and it burnt out of control igniting the forest, and the result was horrible one of the children was burned to death.

The hunters failed to catch a pig, and many of them were absorbed by the bloodlust of the hunt and when the hunter finally returned with his first pig all the boys were gripped with a strange frenzy, dancing and reenacting the pursuit of the pig.

One of the little boys, who were all troubled by recurring nightmares, said he saw a beast lurking on the island. The fear that the boys had for this mythical beast roaming the island was the catalyst, which started the power struggle between Ralph and Jack, between civilization and the primitive, savage world. As a result of the chaos, Jack started to form his own following. As he now seemed to be the best person to lead them, he ended up with most of the boys following him with the exception of just a few of them. It was easy to see the attraction in what Jack had to offer getting to hunt pigs, wearing camouflage face paint and performing frenzied tribal dances and so they were led into a more primitive, and savage living, full of cruelty and aggression.

Write my Essay on Lord of the Flies, a brief summary for me

Jack soon had them out on a hunting party and they found an easy prey in a sow, which the tribe slaughtered and mutilated placing the pig's head on a stake which provided their tribe with an idol to worship, and also a symbol to placate the beast. This idol became the Lord of the Flies. Simon was the only boy who had the courage to go back up the mountain and find out the true nature of the beast, and he discovered the truth. He realized that the beast, which they were all frightened of, was not a creature lurking in the jungle, but a primordial evil buried in everyone's subconscious. Exhausted, Simon decided to go back to Jack's camp to tell them the truth, but they mistook him for the beast in disguise and brutally murdered him.There were only a handful of boys left in Ralph's camp, but they had the ability to make fire, while Jack's group had to steal burning branches in order to have a pig roast. When Ralph decided to let the fire burn out, Jack's tribe raided Ralph's group and stole Piggy's glasses. When Ralph confronted Jack and his tribe in an attempt to obtain the glasses back, so that they could maintain the signal fire, Piggy was killed and the conch he was holding, the last symbol of civilization on the island, was smashed. Jack, leaving Ralph to fend for himself on the island, captured the rest of the boys. Roger, Jack's lieutenant tortured Sam and Eric in order to persuade them to join Jack's tribe. He was also the one responsible for the death ofPiggy and the tribe was now held together by fear, not just of the beast, but also of Jack, Roger and the oldest boys. Jack made a few unsuccesful attempts to get Ralph from his hiding spot so he decided to mount a manhunt to track down and kill Ralph and they set fire to the forest in order to flush him out. Ralph began running from the fire, making his way towards another hiding place but the savages found him. The smoke from the fire attracted a passing ship and a British Naval Officer, who was surprised at the spears and face paint on many of the boys, but also amused to see them having such fun playing like primitive cavemen, who saved Ralph from certain death. At that moment Ralph remembered all that happened, strong feelings took him over and he started to cry for the death of Piggy and the end of the boys innocence.

Please note that this sample paper on Lord of the Flies, a brief summary is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Lord of the Flies, a brief summary, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paperson Lord of the Flies, a brief summary will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The Catcher In The Rye

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Catcher In The Rye. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Catcher In The Rye paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Catcher In The Rye, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Catcher In The Rye paper at affordable prices!

In the novel, Catcher In The Rye, Phoebe plays many important roles in Holden's life that leads her to be his ideal person.She is a major part of Holden's life, even though she is only a mere child.Actually, one of the reasons Holden likes Pheobe so much is because she is only a child.He is attracted to her innocence and youth, but at the same time to her maturity.She is the person that Holden turns to in his times of need or when he just wants to talk with someone.He confides in her and she is the one he goes to for compassion and affection.Pheobe also loves Holden a great deal and is always trying to set him on the right path.Throughout the novel she can be seen not only as his fun loving little sister, but as his friend, his confidante, and his mentor. She even takes on the role similar to that of a mother figure in Holden's life.For these reasons she is very important in Holden's life and is his ideal person.

Pheobe is the one person that Holden can really relate to, despite her age.In fact, one of the reasons Holden gets along with Pheobe so well is because she is a child.Holden adores the youth and innocence possessed by Pheobe and children in general.Yet, Pheobe has a quality most children do not posses, and that is her maturity.She has very mature ideas and thoughts for her age.Holden says, You never saw a little kid so pretty and smart in your whole life. He is amazed how she understands so many things in life and he likes that she is not afraid to voice her opinion about them.I mean if you tell old Pheobe something, she knows exactly what the hell you're talking about.... If you take her to a lousy movie, for instance, she knows it's a lousy movie.

Holden believes that Pheobe is one of the only people in the world with some sense.When he needs to talk with someone she is the one he thinks of first.After he arrived in New York Pheobe was the first person that Holden thought to call, and when he was considering moving out West the only person he wanted to say good-bye to was Pheobe.She is the only person who understands Holden.She knows that he is mentally distraught and listens to him, even if she doesn't know what he is talking about.Old Pheobe didn't say anything, but she was listening.........She always listens when you tell her something.He admires this quality held by Pheobe and confides in her.

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Pheobe also knows Holden's outlook on life and tries to set him on the right path.She loves her brother and wants to see him succeed in life.She lectures Holden about getting kicked out of Pency and tries to discover where he is going with his life.She warns many times that, Daddy'll kill you, but when Holden doesn't respond with concern she begins to lecture him on where his life is heading.Pheobe would do anything to help her brother and many times she is seen as a mentor.

Pheobe is the person that Holden goes to for compassion and affection. Throughout the novel he mentions that she is too affectionate, but he needs that affection and Pheobe is the only one that provides Holden with affection. He trusts her and values what she thinks.When Holden returned home to see Pheobe he searched for compassion in her.He wanted her to feel sorry for him when she found out that he was kicked out of Pency.But instead of feeling sorry Pheobe became angry with him.She knew that her parents would be disappointed in him and she rejected him.This rejection greatly hurt Holden because he was in need of affection from her.

During this same time in the novelPheobe emerges as a mother like figure.The first action that resembled that of a mother's dealt with the broken record.Holden brought a record for Pheobe, but later on dropped it and it shattered into pieces.Even though it was broken and not worth anything Pheobe still said, Gimme the pieces.....I'm saving them.Like a mother she knew the trouble he probably went through to get the record and in appreciation she wanted to save the pieces.She also lectures Holden, just as a mother would do to her own troubled child.Pheobe also shows the care, concern and love that a mother would have for her child.

In the novel Pheobe and Holden have a special bond. Pheobe is also the only person throughout the entire novel that can make Holden express his feelings.She made him happy, she made him sad, she made him angry and she was the only person that made him cry.Pheobe is everything Holden wants in a person.She is childhood without immaturity, she is a good listener, she tries to understand, and she is caring and affectionate.In Holden's eyes it is essential for a person to have all of these characteristics.The roles that Pheobe takes on throughout the novel force her todemonstrate all of these characteristics an therefore leads her to be Holden's ideal person.

Please note that this sample paper on The Catcher In The Rye is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Catcher In The Rye, we are here to assist you.Your persuasive essay on The Catcher In The Rye will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments paper at affordable prices!

Case Brief Analysis

Kuzmicz v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments, Inc.

Richard R. Hall

Legal Environment of Business Law 5

Cheap Custom Essays on Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments

P. Croushore, JD, LLM

March , 00

Case Brief

Kuzmicz v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments, Inc., 147 N.J. 510 (N.J. Sup.Ct. 17)

Plaintiff and Defendant

The plaintiff is Ireneusz Kuzmicz.The defendants are Ivy Hill Park Apartments, Inc., Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, and the Newark Board of Education.


Mr. Kuzmicz was assaulted on vacant land owned by Newark Board of Education (Board).The lot is located between Ivy Hill Park Apartments and a grocery store owned by Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company (A&P).An opening in the fence allows a person to use the Board's property as a short cut to the grocery store.The issue is do Ivy Hill Apartments and A&P owe Mr. Kuzmicz a duty to protect him from the risk of assault on the Board's property by warning him of the risk of off-premises criminal assaults or by fixing the opening in the fence.

Lower Courts

The lower court awarded Mr. Kuzmicz $175,000.The court apportioned liability as 1) Ivy Hill fifty percent; ) Board of Education thirty percent; and ) Mr. Kuzmicz twenty percent (Corley, Reed, Sheed, and Moorehead, 1, p. 08).

The Appellate Division affirmed holding that Ivy Hill Apartments had a duty of care to protect tenants from criminal activity on the Board's lot by warning them of criminalactivity or by fixing the opening in the fence (Corley et al., 1, p. 08).The Appellate Division affirmed the grant of the A&P's motion for a summary judgment, distinguishing the A&P from Ivy Hill (Kuzmicz v. Ivy Hill Park Apts., Inc., 17).The court decided as a tenant of the shopping center, A&P did not have a duty to maintain a fence and evidence is not sufficient to show that A&P knew of the criminal activity on the Board's lot (Kuzmicz v. Ivy Hill Park Apts., Inc., 17).

Issue Appealed

The trail court denied the Ivy Hill Apartments, Inc.'s request for a summary judgment motion.The issue for the New Jersey Supreme Court was whether a landlord had a duty to protect tenants by warning of the risk of criminal assault on an adjacent lot or by fixing an opening in the fence separating the apartment complex from the Board's adjacent lot (Kuzmicz v. Ivy Hill Park Apts., Inc., 17).

Who Wins

Ivy Hill Park Apartments wins the case.


The court could not find any precedent or statutory authority; therefore, it ruled that a landlord does not owe a duty to protect people from criminal activity on adjacent premises that the landlord does not own, control or receive a significant commercial benefit (Kuzmicz v. Ivy Hill Park Apts., Inc., 17).

Case Questions

1.Why does the trail court make the plaintiff Kuzmicz absorb 0 percent of the liability? (Hint. See numbered subsection 15 on defenses to negligence.)

According to Corley et al. (1) under the doctrine of comparative responsibility a plaintiff's contributory negligence does not bar recovery.The doctrine compares the plaintiff's fault with the defendant's and reduces the damage award proportionally (p. 11).The jury determined 0 percent of the injury was due to the plaintiff's own fault.

.If the attack on Kuzmicz had occurred on apartment property, would the apartment owner have been liable?

The New Jersey Courts have precedent specifically Braitman v. Overlook Terrace Corporation (175) and Trentacost v. Brussel (180) that landlords should be held liable for foreseeable injuries that occur on their premises.The reasoning is that landlords are in the best position to control risk of harm.In summary, the apartment owner would have been held liable.


Braitman v. Overlook Terrace Corporation, 68 N.J. 68 (N.J. Sup.Ct. 175).Retrieved March , 00, from Rutgers School of Law Website http//

Corley, R. N., Reed, O. L., Sheed, P. J., Moorehead, J. W. (1). The legal regulatory environment of business. Boston Irwin McGraw-Hill.Retrieved February 6, 00, from University of Phoenix, Resource, Law 5Legal Environment of Business Web Site https//

Kuzmicz v. Ivy Hill Park Apts., Inc., 147 N.J. 510 (N.J. Sup.Ct. 17).Retrieved March , 00, from Rutgers School of Law Website http//

Trentacost v. Brussel, 8 N.J. 14 (N.J. Sup.Ct.180).Retrieved March , 00, from Rutgers School of Law Website http//

Please note that this sample paper on Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Case Analysis - Kuzmica v. Ivy Hill Park Apartments will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 10, 2020

Why Ranting is the Rave

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Why Ranting is the Rave. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Why Ranting is the Rave paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Why Ranting is the Rave, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Why Ranting is the Rave paper at affordable prices !

From the headlines of the San Francisco Chronicle

Sacramento -- California officials accused the Bush administration Thursday of ignoring urgent pleas months ago for emergency help to remove beetle-infested trees that experts warned could fuel a catastrophic Southern California fire.

The U.S. Senate passed controversial legislation Thursday allowing the thinning of forests across the West, and another debate erupted over whether dire warnings about a bark beetle infestation were ignored in Washington. In April, Gov. Gray Davis requested $40 million to remove unhealthy trees on 415, 000 acres of forest, but the request for emergency funds went unanswered until last week -- and then was denied.

There was a reason the governor requested the declaration, said Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio. And Im sure there are a lot of families without homes that are disappointed it wasnt approved.

Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, speaking in the Senate during Thursdays debate on the Healthy Forests bill, complained that President Bush had failed to act on the states request for help and that now Californians were suffering.

We named three of the four counties that are up in smoke, and we begged him to declare a disaster, we begged him, Boxer said before the bill passed 80-14. We saw this coming a mile away.

Proving that Diebold isnt the only idiot in town, we have learned that Sequoia Voting Systems WinEDS files are available to all interested parties on an FTP site. The site doesnt belong to SVS, it belongs to a local reseller, but this makes no difference.

While not as glaring a security screw up as posting all your source files, the SVS files prove that Michelle Townsend is lying through her teeth when she claims that her voting system does not run on Windows. While some parts of the software may be proprietary, the whole system runs on top of a Windows OS, meaning all of Windows security holes come into play.

The good news is that at least SVS had brains enough to use a SQL database to store votes in, instead of Access. The bad news is they are still hard coding passwords, with this one set to (wait for it)... password

These companies keep telling us they have the tightest security in place to protect their software, then they just leave it out in the open for anyone to play with.

Please, do not certify either system for the state of California. The Diebold ballot devices seem to be especially vulnerable to inaccuracies. There should be no voting without a verifiable paper trail. Anything less is an assault on a fair democracy.

Conflict of Interest

One of the first mandates in HAVA is that older, 'punch card' voting systems be replaced with computerized voting machines. These machines are manufactured by private companies, raising the potential for foul play due to special interests. It would seem appropriate for companies manufacturing voting machines to remain neutral and unbiased, but most voting machine companies are financially involved in political campaigns and many active and former politicians are employed by these companies. Here are just a handful of examples

• In 000, 5 of the 1 directors of Diebold, a leading voting machine manufacturer, made donations totaling $4,750 to predominately Republican politicians;

• Former Florida Secretary of State Sandra Mortham (R) and Former State Election Supervisor of California Lou Dedier (R) both have ties to Election Systems and Software (ES&S), one of our nation's leading voting machine manufacturers and tabulators. Sandra Mortham was a lobbyist for ES&S and the Florida Association of Counties during the same time period. The Florida Association of Counties made $00,000 in commissions from the sale of ES&S's voting machines;

• In Georgia's most recent election, William Wingate, a lobbyist for ES&S, contributed $7,000 to Gov. Roy Barnes (D), $1,000 to Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor (D), and $500 to Secretary of State Cathy Cox (D);

• Michael McCarthy is the Chairman of the McCarthy Group, of which ES&S is a subsidiary. According to Federal Elections Commission (FEC) filings, McCarthy is also the Primary Campaign Treasurer for Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, who (according to FEC filings) is also financially tied to the McCarthy Group by substantial investments (valued between one and five million dollars). According to officials at Nebraska's Election Administration, ES&S machines tallied around 85 percent of votes cast in Hagel's 16 and 00 senatorial races.

Occasionally, politicians have used their ties to voting machine companies for fraud and illegal activities

• Former Louisiana State Elections Official Jerry Fowler (D), is currently serving five years in prison for charges related to taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickbacks from voting machine scandals.

Please note that this sample paper on Why Ranting is the Rave is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Why Ranting is the Rave, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Why Ranting is the Rave will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Khomeini Essay

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Revolutions are not perfect, and there are always negative aspects to a revolution.They do not always create a better country, or even resolve the issues that the revolution was for.An excellent example of this would be the Iranian Revolution.Other than being one of the three major turning points in the twentieth century in the Middle East, it showed that a revolution might not evolve society in a positive way.The actions of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, which were intended to improve Iran, instead destroyed a society that was once peaceful and diplomatic.

During the period of the Shah, Iran was at its height with its alliance with the West.Both, the East and the West competed for stronger political and economic ties with Tehran, the inviting center of international trade and politics (p. 0).This shows the impact Shah Pahlavi made by trying to modernize the country.By making other nations crave Iran, it would make Iran have more power and it would show its interdependence and interaction with the outside world.To prevent progress, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi also wanted to modernize ancient Iran by breaking the hold of tradition, both social and religious.Also, he wanted to replace regional trade, agriculture and handicrafts with Iran's oil resources (p. 4).Not only did Pahlavi use politics to move forward with Iran's status, but he also used social and economic techniques.He realized other nations craved oil and he used that to replace Iran's centuries-old method.In addition, he regressed from being too religious and proceeded to the idea of westernizing the country.With many ways of setting Western lifestyles and technology with political strategy into Tehran along with the rest of Iran, the Shah created a comfortable and desirable place for Iranians and foreigners.

Every effort made by the Shah was ruined in 17 when a revolution led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini took away Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi's power and destroyed Iran's reputation."Over the next decade, a new set of images, strong and persistent, became synonymous with Iran Hostage seizures. Suicide bombings.Teenagers serving as human minesweepers on the battlefront.Women hidden behind black chadors.Mullahs toting rifles and leading mobs in chants of "Death to America" (p. 0)." All of Khomeini's promises to the people (before he became dictator) about more freedom and democracy were eliminated when he came into power.He began to base everything on religion and became a strict monarch, which put its toll on the country and its people.Moreover, Khomeini made his people believe anything he said.For example, when a few Iranians encountered American hostages at one point, one hostage described, "Most of them had probably never seen an American before.I think a lot of them were surprised to find out that we didn't have horns (p. 78)."The Iranians were so hypnotized that they didn't even think about what Khomeini lectured about, they automatically believed it like machines.They assumed that the United States was such an "evil" place that no human would ever live there; however, when they encountered Americans it was a shock to them and ironically, they became interested in learning about them.After Khomeini replaced Shah Pahlavi, Iran began to fall from the high position it had before 17.

The Imam's death in 18 did not end the Islamic Republic and his failed revolution has made such a massive impact on Iran that they can still be seen today.For example, Khomeini promised that he would create an Islamic utopia which would allow Iran to defeat outside oppressors and reunite the Islamic world. (p. 07) Instead, this unfulfilled pledge cost Iran's international acceptability in the Islamic world.He did the complete opposite of what he assured the people and isolated Iran from the rest of the world with his tactics.In addition, unemployment, inflation, shortages and prices were all several times worse when compared to the final year that the Shah ruled (p.08).Now it was even harder for the Iranians to support themselves and live a comfortable life with all these additional problems.People put their trust in this man and he severely let them down in every way.Rather than creating a successful revolution that would benefit the country and future generations as a whole, Khomeini left Iran with worse conditions than what the country had to begin with.

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Although Revolution is a justified means of changes, it may not always be a good change, which was the case with the Iranian Revolution.The people acknowledged Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini because it sounded like he was looking forward to a better future for Iran and the populace wanted to evolve as well.However, Khomeini had different ideas in mind and as he unfolded them, he lapsed Iran's progress.Khomeini's failed revolution has hurt Iran in many ways and now it is up to his successors to determine Iran's future.

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